Alien Explorations

Prometheus: Carlos Huante's Engineer
with disconnected floating hands

leading from

a) Carlos playfully explored the idea of these Engineers with disconnected hands and lower legs, as if their bodies were not actually wholly physical but were instead the product of mind over matter and these entities were playing around with blobs of floating blue material of some type.




b) Some of these humanoids featured the iconic space jockey type of head.


c) Some of these engineers tended to have arms with flaps of flesh hanging down that tended to resemble wings.


  1. Gravinatomas:  What's de concept behind the floating hands?

    Carlos Huante: briefly.. this image was for a different opening.. this is one of 3 Engineers that get off the ship.. they have come to see their creation and too see how it's evolving .. 

    one engineer walks beyond the others to see a group of glowing blue plants.. the plants, sensing the engineer, walk over to him as a group.. like nudibranchs. 

    One blooms right in front of him at its own will and shoots out a tongue like projectile killing the engineers hand .. 

    the engineer would stand back look at his hand area and instantly grow another hand and walk away and the ship takes off.. end of intro.. (Source:

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