Alien Explorations

Early concept sketch of Dren (2000) for Splice (2009) references Wir Kleigen in kreisen "We complain in circles" (21/11/1937) by Sergei Eisenstein?

leading from

a) A piece of concept art for Splice showing an early version of Dren (2000?) by Vincenzo Natali.
A piece of concept art for Splice showing an early
version of Dren (2000?) by Vincenzo Natali.

b) Since I have decided that Vincenzo Natali seemed to somehow take inspiration from Dali paintings along with their associated Eisenstein drawing and Pink Panther comic book covers, and that I assumed that Natali had referenced Dali's "Daddy Longlegs of the Future - Hope!", I looked for something by Eisenstein that connected with the painting.

"Wir Kleigen in kreisen" ("We complain in circles") by Sergei Eisenstein,

c) Seeing the drawing "Wir Kleigen in kreisen" ("We complain in circles") by Sergei Eisenstein, I assumed that it was referenced by Salvador Dali amongst other things when he painted "Daddy Longlegs of the Future - Hope!" painted in 1940, as if Dali took the figures and circles spaced out across the composition and transformed them. However there is more than one Eisenstein drawing that shows signs of being adapted by Dali for that painting, but  it looked to me as if this could be the one that  Vincenzo Natali used. See also: "Daddy Longlegs of the evening - Hope!" (1940) by Salvador Dali references "Wir Klagen in Kreiser"(1937) by Sergei Eisenstein ?

 Wir Kleigen in kreisen "We complain in circles"  next to Salvador Dali's DaddyLnnglegs of the Evening Hope (1940)

d) The raised linked arms become the side of the Dren head with the space between them becoming the dome of the skull

e) The stretched out leg of the seated man becomes the elongated tone. The man on the right becomes the lower leg, while the head of the middle man becomes the upper leg.

f) The upper left man's arm on the left becomes the shoulder while the arm on the right becomes the shoulder blade area and while his leg becomes the lower arm

g) The left circle becomes the bend of the wing

h) The man with the towel becomes the tail

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