Alien Explorations

Splice: Evolution of Vincenzo Natali's early mutant concept (2000) for Splice (2009) via Eisenstein's Egotism, Dali's Autumnal Cannibalism, and Pink Panther #16?

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a) References Salvador Dali's Autumnal Cannibalism (1936)? 

First of all I decided that Salvador Dali's Autumnal Cannibalism was the picture referenced in this drawing.

a.i) The stocked hanging over the side onto the drawer becomes the foot, while the draw further up becomes the back of the mutant's leg.

This would be the most tale telling feature if one see how this part can usually sets the imagination off

a.ii) comparison between upper right areas

a.iii) The dark mountain in the distance becomes the hump at the base of its neck while the moutains further in the distance become the eyes of this creature

a.iv) comparison between left areas

a.v) The arm on the right becomes the tip of the wings, while a curve leading down the the pan becomes the tail

b) References the cover of Pink Panther #16?

I had recently worked out that the cover of the Pink Panther comic 16 referenced Dali's painting Autumnal Cannibalism See: The cover of The Pink Panther #16 (1973) references Autumnal Cannibalism(1936) by Salvador Dali ?

Thus I would like to imagine that Vincenzo Natali knew about which Pink Panther covers referenced the Dali painting and thought about how to use it

b.i) Here the turban becomes the bend in the wing

b.ii) The front of his torso becomes the tail

b.iii) The part of the trail with the kinks becomes the foot

c) Salvador Dali's Autumnal Cannibalism (1936) references Sergei Eisenstein' Egotism (1934)?

With that, I worked out that Sergei Eisenstein's Egotism from 1934 ought to have been a picture that was referenced in Autumnal Cannibalism and so I would like to imagine that Vincenzo somehow caught onto the connection one way or another about the connection and referenced it.

See:  Salvador Dali's Autumnal Cannibalism (1936) references Sergei Eisenstein' Egotism (1934)?

d.i) Eisenstein's Egotism (1934) and Natali's mutant beast (2000)

The similarities to be seen there are the hand in the air becoming the claws on the wing and the idea of the head becoming this eyeless head of the mutant beast.

d.ii) Raised arm and claw

 d.iii) Human head bent under and the toothy maw

e) Bringing all the elements together comparable through the four images

e.i) foot from Egoticism, sock Autumnal Cannibalism, tail from The Pink Panther #16 and foot of the mutant  

e.ii) Mid torso from Egoticism,  two interlocked heads from Autumnal Cannibalism, panther head with turban from The Pink Panther #16 and the wing bend of the mutant  

e.iii) Upper torso from Egoticism, left blancmange like substance from Autumnal Cannibalism,  pink panthers chest from The Pink Panther #16 and the mutant's tail

1 comment:

  1. "Splice: Evolution of Vincenzo Natali's early mutant concept (2000) for Splice (2009) via Eiseinstein's Egotism, Dali's Autumnal Cannibalism, and Pink Panther #16?" was posted on November 23rd 2019
