Alien Explorations

Poster for the Bauhaus Austellung Weimar 1923
by Joost Schmidt

a) Reproduction of the early version with the dates from July to September 1923

Poster for the Bauhaus Austellung Weimar 1923 by Joost Schmidt

b) The Nativity icon, St Catherine's Monastery, South Sinai Governorate, Egypt, approximately 7th century AD. ? (to come)

c) References "Old Woman Frying Eggs" by Velazquez (1618)? (to come)

d) Referenced in Salvador Dali's The Great Masturbator (1929)? (to come)

e) Referenced in The Pink Panther and The Inspector #2 (July 1971)?

f) Referenced in Guild cargo ship by Chris Foss for Alejandro Jodorowsky's Dune (1975)?
(to come)

g) Updated version with dates altered to from 15th August to 30th September  1923 with stickers

1 comment:

  1. Posted index page for "Poster for the Bauhaus Austellung Weimar 1923 by Joost Schmidt" on November 3rd 2019
