Alien Explorations

Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen side view concept drawing references HR Giger's ZDF (work 433) (1980) ?


leading from
a)  Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen side view concept drawing
b) "ZDF" work 433 (1980) by HR Giger

c) Giger's ZDF and the face of the Alien Queen

c.i) Areas to compare with the skull face becomes the face of the Alien Queen

c.ii) The skull face above the queen's face

c.iii) The skull face's chin and the comparable part

c.iv) Drooping formation between two shoulder like forms becom the elbow area of the queens' arm reaching out to the side of the picture

d) Giger's ZDF in comparison to the upper thorax of the Alien Queen
d.i) Comparable area
d.ii) The lower arm of this bow like arm shape becomes the upper back spine of the alien queen


d.iii) ZDF becomes the front ribbing of the rib cage

d.iv) Detail of ZDF letters and its comparable area

e) Giger's ZDF and the lower abdomen with legs of the Alien Queen

e.i) Middle lower area of ZDF and the Alien Queen's legs

e.ii) The lower end of the curved sausage like tube with three pipes extending from the end down at the bottom of the centre of the painting becomes the queen's rear leg seen down the middle of the drawing.

e.iii) The pod like rodent creature becomes the rear leg seen at the rear of the creature while the hand holding it becomes the knee and the tail end area receive a flow of fluid becomes the curve in the lower spine

f) Ribbing on the upper part of the sword like form becomes the start of the tail

1 comment:

  1. "Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen side view concept drawing references HR Giger's ZDF (work 433) (1980)? " was posted on 12th September 2022
