Alien Explorations

Alien Queen with backwards knee joints and only two arms, with the puppeteer's legs in the upper part of the queen's legs for Aliens (1986) by Stan Winston reference “The Painter’s Eye” (1942) by Salvador Dali?

 leading from


a) Alien Queen with backwards knee joints  and only two arms, with the puppeteer's legs in the upper part of the queen's legs for Aliens (1986) by Stan Winston.


b) “The Painter’s Eye” (1942) by Salvador Dali



c) The upper eyelid like hoor becomes the alien beast's dome covering the head with the eye becoming the shoulder fin

d) The eyelash strands hanging from the right arm and lower eye lid becom the leg and tail

e) Where the eye lash strands reach the floor become the place where the feet are placed

1 comment:

  1. "Alien Queen with backwards knee joints and only two arms, with the puppeteer's legs in the upper part of the queen's legs for Aliens (1986) by Stan Winston reference “The Painter’s Eye” (1942) by Salvador Dali? " was posted on 10th October 2022
