Alien Explorations

Aliens:Alien Queen sideview by Jim Cameron references Le Dernier Venue De La Derniere Planete, (From the Conquest of Space II series) (1974) by Salvador Dali?

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a) Alien Queen sideview by Jim Cameron

b) References Le Dernier Venue De La Derniere Planete, (From the Conquest of Space II series) (1974) by Salvador Dali?
This illustration shows a man wearing a giant deformed theatre mask supported either side by crutches

c) The top of the mask becomes the Alien queen's head and neck with the crutch on the left becoming its arm on the left

d) The jaw area of the mask becomes the torso of the alien queen with the crutch on the right becoming its waist

e) So here we are with the man's raised arm becoming the small arms of the alien queen

f) The nose generally becomes the arm on the right but it might even inspire the tail area

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