Alien Explorations

"ZDF" (work 433) (1980) by HR Giger references Le Dernier Venue De La Derniere Planete, (From the Conquest of Space II series) (1974) by Salvador Dali?



Leading from
a) HR Giger's "ZDF" work 433 (1980)


b) References Le Dernier Venue De La Derniere Planete, (From the Conquest of Space II series) (1974) by Salvador Dali?

c) Comparable aears

d) The back of the top of the mask and the skull
e)  The red crutch and the corresponding area with a dip in the middle

f) The front of the yellow mask and the corresponding area

g) The eye socket like form  becomes the slit between the ZDF tube and the arm beneath

h) The lower lip becomes the end of the arm crossing the painting while the  crutch  becomes the  patt of the curved ZDF tube with the space between the fork becoming an indentation running up like a split in the skin

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