Alien Explorations

Aliens: Alien Queen drawing with backwards legs and little extra arms by Stan Winston references The Witches Route from around 1520 by Marcantonio Raimondi and Agostino Veneziano via Necronom VII (work 316) (1976) by HR Giger?

 leading from

a) See: Necronom VII (work 316) (1976) by HR Giger references The Witches Route (Lo Stregozzo), (1520 approx) Marcantonio Raimondi and Agostino Veneziano?


b) See: References The Witches Route from around 1520 by Marcantonio Raimondi and Agostino Veneziano?


 c) See: References Necronom VII (work 316) (1976) by HR Giger ?


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