Alien Explorations

Aliens: From Slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire (1940) by Salvador Dali, via the cover of The Inspector #12 (Nov 1976), via Erotomechanics VII (Mia & Judith) version I, (work 422) (1979) by HR Giger, via Street scene for Blade Runner (1980?, film released 1982)) by Syd Mead to alien queen drawing wih backwards legs and extra pair of arms for Aliens by Stan Winston?

leading from

a) Alien queen drawing wih backwards legs and extra pair of arms for Aliens by Stan Winston


a.i) See: References "Slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire" (1940) by Salvador Dali ?


a.ii) See also: Slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire" (1940) by Salvador Dali referenced in the cover of The Inspector #12 (Nov 1976)? 



b.i) See: References the cover of The Inspector #12 (Nov 1976)?


b.ii) See also: Cover of The Inspector #12 (Nov 1976) referenced in Erotomechanics VII (Mia & Judith) version I, (work 422) (1979) by HR Giger?



b.iii) See also:  Cover of The Inspector #12 (Nov 1976) referenced in street scene for Blade Runner (film released 1982) by Syd Mead?



c.ii) See: Erotomechanics VII (Mia & Judith) version I, (work 422) (1979) HR Giger referenced in street scene for Blade Runner (film released 1982) by Syd Mead ?

d) See: References Street scene for Blade Runner (1980?, film released 1982)) by Syd Mead?


1 comment:

  1. "Aliens: From Slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire (1940) by Salvador Dali, via the cover of The Inspector #12 (Nov 1976), via Erotomechanics VII (Mia & Judith) version I, (work 422) (1979) by HR Giger, via Street scene for Blade Runner (1980?, film released 1982)) by Syd Mead to alien queen drawing wih backwards legs and extra pair of arms for Aliens by Stan Winston" was posted on June 7th 2023
