Alien Explorations

The Jacques-Louis David's "Death of Socrates" passage

leading from


See: “The Death of Socrates” (1787) by Jacques-Louis David

  • See: The Henu Barque
  • Christ and the Canaanite Woman - (1784)  Germain-Jean Drouais
 Referenced in?
  • Marine shop from "The Adventures of Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure"
    (1944) by Hergé
  • Illustration for Europ Assistance (published 1981) by Moebius
  • Salvador Dali's "Painter's Eye"
  • See: Plane filling II (1956) by MC Escher


1942 a) See: Salvador Dali's "Painter's Eye"

  • Dali's illustration appeared to reference Joan Miro's "Figures in the Night Guided by the Phosphorescent Tracks" in tune with the Henu Barque itself.
  • Death of Socrates by Jacque Louis David, 
  • The Henu Barque 
Referenced in?
  • Meawhile, it looks as if it had been referenced by Hergé for his shipwreck, the cover featuring the shark minisub and a drawing for an antique shop from "The Adventures of Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure."
  • Through the Tintin drawing, it appears to have crept into Patrick Tatopoulos' design for the biomechanoid suit in Independence Day.

  • “The Death of Socrates” (1787) by Jacques Louis David
  • 'The Railway Guard looking at Alice' for Lewis Carroll's 'Alice Through The Looking Glass' (1871) by John Tenniel 
  • Photo of Interior of Whale House of Chief Klart-Reech, Klukwan, Alaska. c. 1895
  • Cartoon from a German newspaper Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung (1939)
  • "Painter's Eye" (1942) by Salvador Dali
  • "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"(1943) by Dorothea Tanning
  •  Eternal Present (1944) by Wifredo Lam 
Referenced in?
  • Les Loisirs (Hommage a Louis David)  (1948-1949) by Fernand Leger
  • Panel from Dan Dare Pilot of the Future (Eagle, published 13th June, 1951, vol 2. no.10) by Frank Hampson 
  • Panel from The Adventures of Chris KL-99 from Strange Adventures #15
    (December 1951) 
  • Plane Filling II (1957) by M.C. Escher 
  • Chiquita (work 190) (1972) by HR Giger 
  • 2000 AD cover #24 (Dateline 6th August 1977) by Kevin O'Neill  
  • See: Deathbirth Machine II (1977) by HR Giger 
  • See: 'Europ Assistance illustration (published 1981) by Moebius ?
  • An illustration of Carlo Rambaldi's film creatures (2010) by Carlo Rambaldi 
  • Ruins - Meeting Place (concept art for Aquaman released in 2018) (23rd April 2017) by Jeremy Love 

a) Les Loisirs (Hommage a Louis David) by Fernand Léger,

  • The Marine shop illustration from "The Adventures of Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure" (1944) by Hergé
  • The Dream (1910) by Henri Rousseau
  • De 4" Udstilling i Kristiana (Published in Klingen, 1942) by H.B.
Referenced in?
  • Panel from the start page for "The Invisible Masters of Earth" from Strange Adventures comic #58
    (Published June 1955)
  • Untitled painting (1950s) by Kikuzi / Kikuji Yamashita   
  • Assembly of the Moon-ships 1,075 Miles Above the Hawaiian Islands" (1951) by Chesley Bonestell?

    Les Loisirs (Hommage a Louis David) 1948-1949
    1957 a) See: Plane filling II (1956) by MC Escher
    • Nativity scene at Church of Agioi Theodoroi (late 13th Century) 
    • The Death of Socrates (1787) by Jacques-Louis David
    • Roman sea life mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, initially excavated in 1830
    • Guernica (painted from the beginning of May until 4th June 1937) by Pablo Picasso? 
    • Daddy Longlegs of the Evening - Hope! (1940) by Salvador Dali
    • See: The marine shop panel from Hergé's "The Adventures of Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure" (1944)
    • Eternal Present (1944) by Wifredo Lam's
    Referenced in?

    Referenced in?


    1969 a) See: Francis Bacon's Study for a Bullfight no. 2 (1969)
    References ?

    • Radio Times cover: 5-11 July 1969 featuring Roy Castle
    • Poster for "Once Upon A Time In The West"

    1969 b) Radio Times cover: 5-11 July 1969 featuring Roy Castle

    • The Henu Barque.
    • Piranesi's Carceri Plate XIV  
    • Death of Socrates by Jacque Louis David, 
    Referenced in?


    1979 a ) Cover for JG Ballard's Unlimited Dream Company by Bill Botten

    References ?

    • The Henu Barque 
    • Radio Times cover: 5-11 July 1969 featuring Roy Castle



    1981. a) See: Moebius' illustration for "Europ Assistance" (published 1981) 

    This image shows off Moebius' ability to reference a group of different images, all of which show up in the Henu Barque trail. Had he chosen the artworks himself or did someone suggest them to him.


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