Alien Explorations

"Centre of the tombe" for Alien by Chris Foss (1977) references the Betty Hill star map and the cover of the Inspector comic book #10

leading from

 a)  “Chris Foss – 7. Centre of the Tombe”. for Alien (1977)
"Original Chris Foss concept sketch of the
Derelict Ship interior for Alien. The image
depicts a member of the Nostromo landing


b) The cover of The Inspector #10 (July 1976) which I believe references the Betty Hill star map

c) The Betty Hill star map which I that both Chris Foss pyramid interior drawing and the cover of the Inspector comic book #10 reference.

d) The cover of the Inspector comic book #10 next to Foss' pyramid interior

e) The stilts and the table become the sepulchre that the astronaut is descending into.

f) The ping pong ball that might represent Tau Ceti becomes the astronaut, although in terms of it being like the star along the fold line, it would also be the star briefly assumed by Marjorie Fish to be Fomalhaut

g) In terms of the map, it's the star briefly assumed to be Fomalhaut that becomes the explore in this instance,

h) With that the two stars Tau Ceti and 82 Eridani nearby connected by two lines become the side of the entrance shaft on the upper right side of the image.

i) The Pink Panther's leg slanting to the right becomes the line of the sloping underside of the shaft on the right

j) Zeta I Reticuli connecting to Alpha Mensa and comparable area in the drawing with the upwardly sloping side of the shaft

k) The left curve of the Pink Panther's torso becomes the curve of the funnel shaped architecture with the shaft, coming through the ceiling

l) There might have been the need to do something with the Pink Panther head and make it into the radar dish like array on the right

m) The panther's foot becomes the architectural formation with a curved top

The back of the inspector's jacket would them become the rightward curve of the left side of the funnel shape containing the downward shaft

1 comment:

  1. "Centre of the tombe" for Alien by Chris Foss (1977) references the Betty Hill star map and the cover of the Inspector comic book #10" was posted on November 27th 2019
