Alien Explorations

Concept drawing of Jeebs by Ricardo Delgado for the movie Men In Black (film released in 1997)



a) On June 1st 2020, Ricardo Delgado posted a concept drawing for Jeebs that he did for the movie Men In Black released in 1997.

Concept drawing for Jeebs by Ricardo Delgado for the movie Men In Black (released in 1997)

b) References The Umbrellas (1886) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir?

c) References the Sky Demon from Jack Kirby's Devil Dinosaur?

I thought that this design reminded me of the sky demon from Jack Kirby's Devil Dinosaur from #4 of Devil Dinosaur (1978), and I had worked out some time earlier that this Sky Demon illustration was interestingly lifted from Giger's Passage Temple Entrance. 

These beasts both a curved body with small legs, have wide heads and a glowing colour

Delgado is a fan of Kirby's work

c.ii) See also: Jack Kirby's drawing of sky for Devil Dinosaur (1978) references details from Giger's Passage Temple Entrance (1975) 


d)  Realising that Delgado's drawing connected with Jack Kirby's and having worked out that Kirby's drawing connected with Giger's Passage Temple Entrance, I wondered how Delgado's drawing connected with Giger's painting as well

See: References HR Giger's Passage Temple Entrance (work 262) (1975) ?

Concept drawing of Jeebs by Ricardo Delgado for the movie Men In Black (film released in 1997) references HR Giger's Passage Temple Entrance (work 262) (1975) ?

e) So I had been wondering about what else lay behind Giger's painting that I had missed out, and suddenly realised that  Renoir's The Umbrellas was in there too.

See: HR Giger's Passage Temple Entrance (1975) references The Umbrellas (1886) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir?

f) While there appear to be other things referenced in Giger's painting, it also brought me to think about how Jack Kirby would have been thinking about the Renoir

See: References The Umbrellas (ca. 1881-86) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir?

g) So Ricardo Delgado is someone who could easily have known about these other images, but whatever the case his creative mind managed to merge these different things together into a unique enjoyable drawing.

  1. Ricardo Delgado: An early concept for Jeebs in MEN IN BLACK. Ink and marker on paper.
    Previously unpublished.
    (Ricardo Delgado's Facebook page
    June 1st 2020

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