Alien: Meeting wth Sigourney in Hollywood

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Then she flew out to Hollywood to meet Alan Ladd Jr, and Gareth Wigan at Twentieth Century Fox, but  she lost her baggage on the plane and went to meet them in her untidy clothes. 

They had a typical chatty Hollywood meeting where everyone is supposed to pretend that they're there for social reasons and no one mentions the film.

Ridley had told Laddy that she was what he wanted but Laddy responded with his usual caution "well hmmm, she’s okay but I’m not sure, you’re going to have to test her.''

Ridley responded ''Uh Laddy, l'm three weeks from principal photography.'' 

Laddy replied "I don't care, you've got to test, I'm not sure"


Source Quotes
  1. Ridley Scott: And (Laddie) said `well hmmm, she’s ok but I’m not sure, you’re going to have to test her’. And "I thought my god, we’re shooting in 2 weeks. I’m going to fly them in here in 2 or 3 weeks". So I had to test her. And the test was spot on.
    Interviewer: Ivor says that his memory is of you choosing Sigourney on first look…
    Ridley Scott: it was academic. It became academic. I knew…I knew…I could do a test which I could cut into the movie basically. So we made a very sophisticated test, I didn’t put a mix on it, and so Laddie watched it and went oh, ok, and that was it. But then she was on. You know.  (report from the interiew for Alien Evolution)
  2. Danny Peary: When were you told that you had the part? 
    Sigourney Weaver: I flew out to Hollywood to meet Alan Ladd, Jr, and Gareth Wiggin at Twentieth. I lost my bags on the plane and went in my rotten clothes. We had a typical chatty Hollywood meeting where you're all supposed to pretend you're there for social reasons and no one mentions the film.Screen Flights / Screen Fantasies, An Interview With Sigourney Weaver by Danny Peary, p159)

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