Alien: Alexandre O Philippe's Memory - The Origins of Alien: Resonances in Giger's artwork

Philippe saw the design of the Derelict along with its entrance, its caves and the eggs, as well as the xenomorph, he saw it as overly sexualised imagery which he understood came from Giger, and then he felt that this style resonated with Dan O'Bannon and Ridley Scott, not because of that, but because of the Lovecraftian resonance, whatever you might want to consider that to be.

But to open that up, he also felt that there was no question that Alien would not have been the success without the universe that Giger had created.

For Philippe, it spoke to our ancient past, to mythology and to overt ideas of sexuality and subversions of sexuality. It was resonant to people for different reasons.
  1. Alexandre O Philippe: “You look at the design of the Derelict and the entrance to the Derelict and the caves and the eggs, the head of the xenomorph. It’s all there. It’s overly sexualized imagery but I think that comes from Giger, and again I think his style resonated with Dan O’Bannon not because of that. I think his style resonated with Ridley Scott not because of that but because of the Lovecraftian influence. There is no question to me that Alien would not have been the success that it was without this universe that Giger created. That’s what’s so great about it. When you crack it open, it speaks to our ancient past. It speaks to mythology. It speaks to very overt ideas of sexuality and subversions of sexuality. It’s all there so Alien is so resonant I think for all of us for different reasons.”(

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