Alien: Early storyboard of the closeup of the Space jockey head (1978) by Ridley Scott for Alien references Bauhaus exhibition poster for 1923 by Joost Schmidt ?

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Alien: Early storyboard of
the closeup of the Space jockey head (1978) 

by Ridley Scott for Alien

a) Early storyboard of the Space jockey head (1978) by Ridleyscott for Alien

b) Bauhaus exhibition poster for 1923 by Joost Schmidt

c) Upper part of the poster is loosely absorbed into the skull of this space jockey

d) Comparable areas

e) The face becomes a white gap between two areas of shadow

f) Loosely comparable area as if the thick black line leading to the black semi-circle is the main breathing pipe

g) The "Bauhaus" word becomes the ribbing running along the centre of the skull

h) The red line reading to the red square becomes red lines along the glove, while the number for the years 1923 become any old numbers

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