HR Giger: National Park (work 271) (1975) references The Jabberwocky from "Alice Through The Looking Glass" (published 1871) by John Tenniel?


leading from

a) National Park (work 271) (1975) by HR Giger



 b) The Jabberwocky from "Alice Through The Looking Glass" (published 1871) by John Tenniel

c) Jabberwocky's upper left shoulder and arm becomes head like form with pointed ears, while the waistcoat arm hole becomes a curved form beneath the head

d) The head and neck of the Jabberwocky and he equivalent area. Perhaps the left tendril hanging from the face becomes the tusk piercing the beaked skull like form that might be a face with an open mouth and a long bone like beard



e) The fingers of the right wing become the ribs of the whie skull

f) Where the hero would be, we find a person buried in the machinery on his back
g) The claw on the right becomes a head with a pipe in its mouth

h) The lower part of the tail becomes the pipes with holes in them

1 comment:

  1. "HR Giger: National Park (work 271) (1975) references The Jabberwocky from "Alice Through The Looking Glass" (published 1871) by John Tenniel?" was posted on 25th December 2021
