Alien: Early storyboard featuring a female Nostromo crewmember sitting at the controls for Alien (1978) by Ridley Scott references "Into the Unknown" cover, Radio Times, 13th -19th September 1975 ?



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a) Early storyboard featuring a woman Nostromo crewmember sitting at the controls for Alien (1978) by Ridley Scott

b) References "Into the Unknown" cover, Radio Times, 13th -19th September 1975 ?
c) The sitting Husky becomes the woman's nose and mouth while you could say that the arms, shoulders and head of the man on the right becomes her upper face, with his head becoming the parting in her fringe/bangs 

d) The sitting Husky that becomes the woman's nose and mouth 

e) The flag becomes the helmet

f) The explorer crouching on the left becomes part of the machinary in the back of her chair

f) The rope and baggage becomes the arm


g) The buildings in the background become part of the upper right of the machine in the back of the chair with I suppose the chimney become a cup of funnel on top

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