Alien: Dead alien astronaut in landscape sketch by HR Giger references panels from page 41 of "Asterix and The Soothsayer"?


  leading from 

a) Dead alien astronaut sketch from Giger's Alien Diaries  with one visible lower limb with an almost blade like foot. 



b) Panel from page 41 of "Asterix and The Soothsayer" originally published in Pilote issues 652-673 in 1972) written by Goscinny and illustrated by Uderzo showing a Roman Centurion in his tent lying on a couch consulting a soothsayer.


c) Three panels together

d) The whole page 41 from "Asterix and The Soothsayer"originally published in Pilote issues 652-673 in 1972) written by Goscinny and illustrated by Uderzo

d) Comparable areas. The roman centurian's form with the upper body of the sooth sayer becomes the sketched out outline of the Space Jockey area


e) Head of Roman centurion lying on pillow


f) Head end of lectus becomes a large thumb shaped form



g) Shoulder pads becomes a ribcage area



h ) Bod of the soothsay and the comparable sketched out form



i) Yellow seat becomes a foot like form



1 comment:

  1. "Alien: Dead alien astronaut in landscape sketch by HR Giger references panels from page 41 of "Asterix and The Soothsayer"?" was posted 21st October 2022
