Portrait of Mr Emilio Terry (unfinished) by Salvador Dali (1930-1934) references the Henu Barque from the Papyrus of Ani version of the Egyptian book of the dead?


leading from 

a) Portrait of Mr Emilio Terry (unfinished) (1930) by Salvador Dali 
b) The Henu Barque from the Papyrus of Ani version of the Egyptian book of the dead
c) Comparable areas with the Henu Barque reversed

Strange dark sculpture on the table references the Henu Barque from the Papyrus of Ani once again?

d) The crouching man becomes the small sculpture of the building ?
Crouching man and building model
e) The horizontal rod becomes the piano keys. The rings for holding the boat to the ski runners become the curls. The central pillar becomes the music sheets above the keyboard.
henu bark holder and rod and piano keys with holder

f) The segments of white become the heart shaped space. 
Segments of white and the heart shape.

g) The collar around the upper kestrel head become the upper part of the near x shaped part of the sculpture that supports the top bird like head piece which in itself is a near enough a merger between the kestrel head and oryx head.

kestrel head and its equivalent

h) The back fan becomes the book case. Perhaps the small ox horns becomes the headless torso on top of the book case and the antelope/oryx horns becomes the point where the wall and the ceiling meet

The back fan becomes the book case.

i)  Of course there is something else to consider being merged with the Henu Barque to become this dark siulpture. I might wonder if it might be another architectural composition by Emilio Terry

1 comment:

  1. "Portrait of Mr Emilio Terry (unfinished) by Salvador Dali (1930-1934) references the Henu Barque from the Papyrus of Ani version of the Egyptian book of the dead?" was posted as its own page on 11th November 2022
