Alien: Early Alien storyboard showing Kane making coffee (1978) by Ridley Scott references editorial cartoon for The European Champion's Cup Final for 25th May, 1977 Radio Times?



a) Early Alien storyboard showing Kane making coffee (1978) by Ridley Scott




b) Editorial cartoon for The European Champion's Cup Final for 25th May, 1977 Radio Times




c) Comparable areas



d) The footballer in the white outfit becomes Kane. His shorts become the dressing gown pocket


e) The footballer in black's face becomes the upper fridge door and his hair becomes shadowy space in the distance


f) The space between the knee and arm of the footballer dressed in black becomes a table

1 comment:

  1. "Alien: Early Alien storyboard showing Kane making coffee (1978) by Ridley Scott references editorial cartoon for The European Champion's Cup Final for 25th May, 1977 Radio Times?" was posted on 13th March 2023
