HR Giger: The Spell II (work 238) (1974) references Alpha-Omega bomb temple scene from the movie Beneath The Planet of the Apes (released 1972)?

leading from 



a) The Spell II (work 238) (1974) by HR Giger



b) References Alpha-Omega bomb temple scene from the movie Beneath The Planet of the Apes (released 1972)? 

This scene contains a large atomic bomb in a vertical position. Behind it are organ pipes. Gathered are humans wearing masks to appear normal while hiding their mutant faces.




c) One above the other


d) The missile would become her head along with the baphomet's head and the phallus on top of its head. 

Its tail fins could become the witch's shoulders. 

The man in the white robe somehow would become the details around the upper torso such as the christ's legs and the round object being broken in her hands, and perhaps even that glow running up the front of the centre of her upper body. 

The pipes of the musical organ would here become the ribbing of the corridor or narrow hall behind her




e)  Perhaps because of the abundance of people standing around worshipping this bomb, he decided to have them merged with organ tubes and so we have tubes with side that are merged with humans


f) To the left are a seated man and woman. So perhaps Giger liked the idea of having a woman seated either side


g) Image showing the mutants with their masks off



h) Image of the mutants over comparable part of the painting. So the presence of the phallic mutant baby heads might well be partly inspired here by their mutant heads in this case?


i) Enlargement of details

1 comment:

  1. "HR Giger: The Spell II (work 238) (1974) references Alpha-Omega bomb temple scene from the movie Beneath The Planet of the Apes (released 1972)?" was posted on 7th May 2023
