Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen standing with Eggsack references WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge layer?

Leading from


a) WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge layer

b) Alien Queen artwork for Aliens (1986) by Jim Cameron

c)  One above the other

d) Back end of bridge section becomes a guid for the tilted downwards head of the alien queen

d) Inverted triangle shape in the frame here becomes the ovipositor

e) Detail of the above statement as an example of fitting the shape in. It's difficult to be precise about anything because in this case Cameron would be looking all around for shapes to set his creative mind off, and there is more than one way these triangular forms could be used.
f) With bridge layer vehicle photo reversed


g) Underside of the front end of the section of bridge on top of the tank becomes the back of the Alien Queen's carapace shell

h) Support frame holding up bridge over the tank becomes the upper forearms, while the front of the section of bridge bclow the tank becomes the hands of the creature.

i) Bridge support becomes upper leg

1 comment:

  1. "Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen standing with Eggsack references WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge layer?" was posted on 1st July 2024
