leading from
a) Cover for "Crash" (1975) by Chris Foss
b) "Soft construction with boiled beans (Premonition of a civil war)" (1936) by Salvador Dali?

c) Comparable elements on the left side
d) The elongated breast held by the hand becomes the top of the open bonnet of the.car
e) The mysterious large hand in the lower left corner of the painting becomes the corner on the left of the front of the car wreck qith thw broken headlight
f) The foot supporting the buttocks becomes the leg with the raised knee of the naked woman. The buttocks become the broken headlight area on the right side of the car front.
“Cover for "Crash" (1975) by Chris Foss references "Soft construction with boiled beans (Premonition of a civil war)" (1936) by Salvador Dali?”was posted on 30th December 2024