Aliens: Alien queen with egg sack (film released 1986) by Jim Cameron references “Dr Werner von Braun..Aliens: Mission Control Viewing Room" (drawn during the Apollo 11 mission in 1979) by Franklin McMahon?

Leading from

a) Alien queen with egg sack for Aliens (film released 1986) by Jim Cameron

b) "Dr Werner von Braun...Mission Control Viewing Room" (drawn during the Apollo 11 mission in 1979) by Franklin McMahon

c) One above the other

d) Man to the left of Wernher Von Braun becomes the space between support appendages holding the alien  queen

e) Televison screen frame becomes the supper appendages on the right side of the alien queen

f) This area has been transformed into the alien queen beast itself. it’s admittedly not easy to see how this collections of head and shoulders could become the alien queen but Cameron would have adapted details from these non symmetrical forms there to create a a perfectly summetrical representation of his intended creature.

f) See the lines that become a suggestion of the left leg. The ear becomes the back of the lower leg.

f) The straight but slanting line that runs up to where Wernher’s top button would be becomes a resinous strand supporting the egg sack.

g) A man’s spectacles becomes the starting point of the bilateral segments of the egg sack

The shoulder of the spectacled man as it connects with the back of the head of the man to the right of him becomes another segment of the sack, while the man to the right ‘s head becomes another section of the sack.

h) A shoulder of one finger and the back of the head of another becomes a vaginal like form seen in the side of the egg sack.

i) Area that becomes the end of the egg sack with ovipositor

j) If I try to draw an outline around the various areas turned u to the alien queen with egg sack laying eggs, we have this but the alien queen itself seems to be very abstract and uneven looking, perhaps even it would be positioned at an angle toward the left, but Jim Cameron drew something more symmetrical inspired by the details to be found there 

1 comment:

  1. “ Aliens: Alien queen with egg sack (film released 1986) by Jim Cameron references “Dr Werner von Braun..Aliens: Mission Control Viewing Room" (drawn during the Apollo 11 mission in 1979) by Franklin McMahon?”. Was posted on Tuesday 13th January 2025
