leading from
The Occator crater lights on the Ceres planetoid
a) Henu Barque from the Papyrus of Ani version of the
Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day. (circa 1250 BC)
b) Occator Crater from PIA20350, image released on 2016-03-22
c) The Cerealia Facula becomes the crouching man's skirt

d) The slanting near horizontal arrangement of light forms of Vinalia Faculae become white blobs on the Henu Barque that seem to be piles of sand
e) Three ripples on the far right of the crater become the rudders although the rudders might be the vertical arrangement of forms on the right end based of Vinalia Facula which I can't even name

f) However
the presence of rudders as shapes might be based upon the vertical
arrangement of forms on the right end based of Vinalia Facula which I
can't even name
g) Back
in September 21st, 2020, at first I hade decided that a shape along the
lower right strip of light forms of Vinalia Faculae becomes the lower
kestrel head and if so where would the upper Kestrel head be? There are a choice of features to consider and
none of the possibilities might be that realistic, if we consider this no
more than a loose symbolic representation of Occator crater merged with a solid
device the Henu Barque that that someone with carpentry skills was building on planet Earth in those ancient times
in Egypt.
on 20th June, 2021, considering the relationship between these
features, I had decided that a small face like feature at the upper end
of the vertical strip became the lower falcon head and so another
feature further up that loosely resembles a horse's head with flowing
mane facing towards the left becomes the upper falcon head.
doesn't much thought to any sort of representation of the vertical belt
of lights of the Vinalia Faculae in in the Henu Barque, other than to
consider them represented in the vertical frame, while originally I
wanted to imagine the the lower kestrel head becomes at the bottom of
this chain and the Oryx head being at the top end with the small fish in
the similarities or the way that ideally various features have been
picked out from the crater bare no more resemblance than one of
Picasso's paintings and his subjects. This would seem somewhat different
from the Mycenaean lentoids where it looks to me as if the artist;s had
actually really taken a good look at the various features of the crater
one way or another and looked for shapes and forms that they could make
into figures and forms relating to their belief system.

h) I might want to assume that the lower part of the face like area becomes the ox's horns.
If so, then we would have to start assembling the oryx head out of near formless craggy shapes.
oryx horns I have already decided became the outline of the head of the
Mary figure from the Nativity Icon from St Catherine's monastery, while
also abstractly became the hairline of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da
in these example, the Ox horns there almost appeared to become the
position of the nose, but in Occator, it's roughly the position of the
lower part of what I think ot as the goddess' face.
the left side of the goddess' mantel we might pick up the features of
what looks like an upward looking human face, and but there is nothing
on the right end that looks significantly like an oryx head. I might
wonder if the face on the left led to the idea of an oryx head on the

i) Going
back to the 'head and shoulders' feature in Occator, I might think that
this is part of the reason why there is a man placed in the lower left
corner rather than the right and of course there isn't anything
significant in that area in the crater,
I've already decided that the skirt connect with the Cerealia Facula as
a feature to be played with, but the area of the head and shoulders
with it's arrangement of fractures to the lower right independently
become the crouching man
j) In relation to the "head & shoulders" feature becoming the crouching
man's head, the face like form at the lower end of the vertical belt of lights in the left of Vinalia Faculae becomes the lower kestrel's head which was my much earlier assumption about the bird image
k) Detail of the feature at the lower end of the vertical belt that also becomes the kestrel head
“occator Crater: Echoes in the Henu Barque fom the Papyrus of Ani version of the Egyptian Book of the Dead (circa 1250 BC)?” was posted on March 1st 2025