Alien: Early Ridleygram for Alien of the explorers approaching the derelict ship (1978) by Ridley Scott references the cover of The Pink Panther #22 (Oct 1974)

leading from

a) Early Ridleygram for Alien of the explorers approaching the derelict ship (1978) by Ridley Scott

The derelict ship is revealed

b) The cover of The Pink Panther #22

c) Comparable areas

d) What it suggests is that the panther's head becomes the ring of the planet in the background, the eye becomes a moon, the nose becomes a formation at the top of the derelict structure, the teapot becomes the observation window. 


e) The bent arm of the panther becomes the downward pointing shapes on the right side of the main derelict ship pod that almost resemble pairs of underpants

f) The tea flowing from the pot becomes the landslide.

g) Perhaps the inspector's hat becomes the land formation to the far right with his eye becoming the oval shape at the bottom of the landslide.

h) The round table becomes the circular base of the main derelict ship pod.

1 comment:

  1. "Alien: Early Ridleygram for Alien of the explorers approaching the derelict ship (1978) by Ridley Scott references the cover of The Pink Panther #22 (Oct 1974") was posted on October 22nd 2019
