Updates 2013-2025


23rd January 2025

a) Added: Panel from a page from "Les Adventures de Tintin - Les Cigars du Pharaon" first published in Le Petit "Vingtième" no.4, p9 January 1933, by Hergé?

15th January 2025

a) Added: Le Dernier Venue De La Derniere Planete, (From the Conquest of Space II series) (1974) by Salvador Dali References "Dr Wernher von Braun in mission control viewing room, Apollo 11," (1969) by Franklin McMahon?

13th January 2025

a) Added: Aliens: Alien Queen whole body side view (for Aliens, released July 18, 1986) by Jim Cameron references "Dr Wernher von Braun in mission control viewing room, Apollo 11," (1969) by Franklin McMahon?



30th December 2024

a) Added: Cover for "Crash" (1975) by Chris Foss references "Soft construction with boiled beans (Premonition of a civil war)" (1936) by Salvador Dali?

b) Added: Cover for "Crash" (1975) by Chris Foss references cover for The Inspector #6 (October 1975)

27th December 2024

a) Added: "Pilot in Cockpit' (work 380) (1978) by HR Giger references the cover illustration of White Dwarf #4 Dec/Jan 1977/ 1978 (1971) by John Blanche?

b) Added: Cover of White Dwarf magazine, Dec/Jan 1977/ 1978 (1971) by John Blanche references “Wernher Von Braun in Mission Control, Houston; Apollo XI" by (July, 1969) by Franklin McMahon?

c) Added: Aliens: Alien Queen whole body side view (for Aliens, released July 18, 1986) by Jim Cameron references "Dr Wernher von Braun in mission control viewing room, Apollo 11," (1969) by Franklin McMahon?


24th December 2024

a) Added: The White Dwarf magazine


20th December 2024

a) Added: Alien: "Pilot in Cockpit' (work 380) (1978) by HR Giger references “Wernher Von Braun in Mission Control, Houston; Apollo XI" (July, 1969) by Franklin McMahon? 

b) Added: Alien: From Tenniel's"The Walrus and the Carpenter" for Alice Through The Looking Glass to Wernher von Braun by McMahon to Astro-Eunuchs by HR Giger to Alien pilot by HR Giger ?

c)  Added: Alien: From the henu barque from the Egyptian book of the dead via Giger's "Deathbirth Machine II"(work 342) (1977) to "Pilot in Cockpit" (work 380) (1978) by HR Giger?

d) Added: HR Giger: Astro-Eunuchs (work 71) (1967) by HR Giger references "Wernher Von Braun in Mission Control, Houston; Apollo XI" (July, 1969) by Franklin McMahon?

15th December 2024

a) Added: "Pacal Votan" tomb lid: Referenced in panel featuring the lunar tank from The Adventures of Tintin: Explorers on the moon (Published 1953) by Hergé ?

b) Added: The 'Pacal Votan' tomb lid: From the lid of the tomb of the Mayan king Pacal, via Picasso's Candle and bottle with goat skull (1952) and Dali's The Grape Pickers, Bacchus Chariot (The Triumph of Dionysus) (1953) to the panel featuring the lunar tank from The Adventures of Tintin: Explorers on the moon (published 1953) by Hergé


1st December 2024

a) Added: The "Pacal Votan" tomb lid: Referenced in "The Grape Pickers, Bacchus Chariot (The Triumph of Dionysus)" (1953) by Salvador Dali?



28th November 2024

a) Added : The "Pacal Votan" tomb lid: Referenced in Picasso’s Candle and bottle with goat skull (1952)?

26th November 2024

a) Added: The "Pacal Votan" tomb lid: Referenced in Chesley Bonestell's lunar lander illustration from the cover of Collier’s magazine, October 1952?

b) Added: The 'Pakal Votan' tomb lid: Referenced in "Return trip ship debarking on the moon" (1952) by Wernher Von Braun?


25th November 2024

a) Added: The "Pacal Votan" tomb lid: Referenced in the Fisher-Price music box teaching clock (1968) ?


14th October 2024

a) Alien 3: HR Giger's Carl Saganalien?  



29th September 2024

a) Added: Comparisons to Cronenberg's Naked Lunch?

8th September 2024

a) Added: Alien:Romulus - Alien beast coming out of the cocoon

2nd September 2024

a) Added: Alien : Romulus - Renaissance Station designed by Joshua Viers



29th August 2024

a) Added: HR Giger: Alien Monster IV (1978) references cover illustration for White Dwarf #3, Oct/Nov 1977 (1977) by A Hunter?


August 9th 2024

a) Updated Alien Romulus with more segments about Fede Alvarez getting Alien: Romulus made.



July 4th 2024

a) Added details from The Face magazine, October 1982 about Eldon Tyrell as a replicant to Blade Runner: Replicants


July 1st 2024

a) Added: HR Giger: Alien Monster IV references WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge Layer ?

b) Added an index page for the WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge layer

c) Added: Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen standing with Eggsack references WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge layer




June 8th 2024

a) Added a detail to the Two Robots Chatting scene at the beginning of Alien from Starburst #486 (2024) regarding Roger Christian's involvement in that scene. See Alien: Two Robots Chatting

b) Added: Alien: Ridley said "That's what I want, I want it like hair." based upon comments from Roger Christian

c) Created a separate page for Alien: Roger Christian witnesses the power of Buddhism over conflict

June 7th 2024

a) Added a detail about how Apollo space capsules inspired aspects of the Nostromo flightdeck, and the Trinitron mini TVs were Sony. This comes from reading the Roger Christian inteview in Starbust #486 (2024) See: Alien: Dressing the Nostromo (The bridge and corridors)  but shortly afterwards the flight deck section was turned into a separate section Alien: Planning the Bridge set



May 8th 2024

a) Restored a number of Chris Foss images which had become unlinked from the site ,  held in the Google Photos albums. I don't know why Google keep changing the URLs like that! It will happen again to other images

b) Added: Aliens: Peter Briggs looks at the use of the name "Acheron" in Aliens



May 5th 2024

a) Added : Aliens: Development of Vasquez by way of Hill Street Blues? 

b) Added: Alien: Romulus with the intention of adding to it more and breaking it down into lots of little pages



March 3rd

a) added HR Giger: Necronom IV (work 303) (1976) by HR Giger, acrylic on paper on wood, references Veracruz Polychrome Tripod Plate, Los Tuxtlas style Late Classic, ca. A.D. 550-950?




February15th  2024

a) Added: HR Giger: Alien Monster I (Giger's Alien) (work 406) (1979) references the Barbie country camper toy set from the 1978 Barbie doll catalogue? after the original page was posted on 29th January 2024 but disappeared 

February 5th 2024

a) Added: Photograph of Barbie's catamaran as seen in the Barbie 1977 catalogue references "Saturn devouring his son" (1819–1823) by Francisco Goya?

b)Added: Herge's Tintin and 2001: A Space Odyssey

c)Added: The Tintin triangle trail


January 29th, 2024

a) Added: HR Giger: Alien Monster I (Giger's Alien) (work 406) (1979) references the Barbie country camper toy set from the 1978 Barbie doll catalogue?

b) Added: HR Giger: Necronom IV (work 303) (1976) by HR Giger, references Barbie's catamaran as seen in the Barbie 1977 catalogue?

c) Added: Aliens: Alien Queen front view (possibly by Jim Cameron) references Painting 1946 (1946) by Francis Bacon ?


November 2023 

November 26th 2023

a) Added: HR Giger: Necronom IV (1976) by HR Giger references The Enigma of Hitler (1939) by Salvador Dali?

b) Added: Alien: Egg Silo exterior (work 378) for Alien (1978) by HR Giger references photo of Barbie's tent ( as seen in the 1978 Barbie catalogue) by Mattel?

c) Added: HR Giger: Necronom IV (work 303) (1976) by HR Giger, references The Sublime Moment (1938) by Salvador Dali?

November 20th 2023

a) Added: Blade Runner: Ridley's earlier cut of Blade runner discovered in Santa Monica



October 31st 2023

a) Added: Blade Runner: Development via The Adventures of Tintin and the secret of the Unicorn?


October 2nd 2023

a) Added: HR Giger: Alien Monster IV (1978) by HR Giger references Barbie catalogue 1978 cover ?

b) Added: HR Giger: Erotomechanics VII (Mia & Judith) references Barbie's furniture as seen in the Barbie catalogue 1979  

c) Added: Alien: Alien Life Cycle Hieroglyphics tableau by HR Giger references photograph of Mattel's Barbie's beauty salon (from 1978 catalogue)?

d) Added: Barbie Doll as an index page for anything relating to Barbie




August 19th

a) Added: Alien: Ash's observation blister


August 18th

a) Added: Alien : HR Giger's Egg silo exterior (work 378) (1978) references 'Executioner argues with the King about cutting off the Cheshire Cat’s head' Alice in Wonderland illustrations (published 1865) by John Tenniel?





July 11th
July 10th

June 28th

June 27th
a) Added: Concept art for Battlestar Galactica by Ralph McQuarrie as an index page for that artwork
June 9th 
June 8th
a) Added: HR Giger:The Tourist IV (Tentacled Creature)(work 492) by HR Giger as an index page for this painting

June 7th

June 6th

i) Added: Aliens: Alien Queen drawing by Stan Winston references Necronom VII (work 316) (1976) by HR Giger ?
j) Added: Aliens: Alien Queen drawing by Stan Winston, with backwards legs and little extra arms references Erotomechanics VII (Mia & Judith) version I, (work 422) (1979) HR Giger?
k) Added: Blade Runner: Street scene for Blade Runner (film released 1982) by Syd Mead references cover of The Inspector and The Pink Panther #12 (Nov 1976)?
l) Added:  Blade Runner: Street scene for Blade Runner (film released 1982) by Syd Mead references "Slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire" (1940) by Salvador Dali ?
m) Added: Blade Runner: Street scene for Blade Runner (1980?, film released 1982) by Syd Mead  
n) Added: HR Giger: Erotomechanics VII (Mia & Judith) version I, (work 422) (1979) by HR Giger references the cover of The Inspector #12 (Nov 1976)?
o) Added: Slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire (1940) by Salvador Dali as an index page for articles relating to this painting


June 4th

June 2nd

a) Added: Aliens: Sealing of the doors in Aliens references barricading the corridors in Hill Street Blues season 1 episode 4, "Can World War III Be an Attitude?" (originally aired January 24, 1981)?



May 31st 2023

d) Added: The cover of ‘Protectorate’ by Ace Books (published in January 1985) by Dan LaMountain references Alien Stage 3 , version III, Front view (work 373) (1978) by HR Giger?

May 29th 2023

a) Added: Alien : HR Giger's translucent Alien painted up


May 27th 2023

May 20th 2023

May 18th 2023

b) Added:  Aliens: Development via "Hill Street Blues" TV series? as an index page for anything dealing with Hill Street Blues  


May 16th 2023

a) Added: Aliens: Ripley's method of attacking the alien queen with a powerloader references Hill Street Blues Season 1, Episode 6 "Film At Eleven" ( aired on February 7, 1981)

May 12th 2023

a) Added: Prometheus: Starmap motifs scattered through Earth's history basically as an index page for the the tablets and cave drawings. This page had been hanging around for quite a while but I forgot to post it.



May 7th 2023

d) Added: "Sabbath bloody Sabbath" by Black Sabbath (1973) by Drew Struzan as an index page dealing with this illustration

May 5th 2023

a) Added HR Giger: Necronom VIII (work 317) (1976) by HR Giger references to Monument 19, La Venta, Tabasco. "Seated man in serpent"?



April 17th 2023

a) added: Aliens: Model of Alien head owned by Michael Jackson

April 7th

April 5th 2023

a) See:  Alien 5 / "Red Harvest": "Elevator" for Neill Blomkamp's unmade Alien 5 (2015) by Geoffroy Thoorens references The Tourist VIII 'Two aquatic aliens' (work 496) (1982) by HR Giger?

April 3rd 2023
c) Added: Publicity image with James Burke for The Burke Special in The Radio Times, (19th July 1973)


March 30th 2023

a) Added: Panel showing the Space Jockey in his spacecraft from "The Alien" from Dark Horse's Aliens The Platinum Edition, (April 1992) references frontispiece showing Eblis sitting upon a globe of fire (1815) engraved by Isaac Taylor after a drawing by Isaac Taylor Jr for William Beckford's Vathek written in 1782?


March 29th 2023

March 24th 2023
c) Added: Gustave Courbet's L'Origine Du Monde (1866) as an index page for anything to do with this painting 
f) Added: Blade Runner: costume design for Roy Batty in Blade Runner (1980) by Charles Knode as an index page for anything relating to this image
j) Added: Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen whole front view concept drawing as an index page for anything relating to that image 
k) Added a separate page for Aliens: Alien Queen sideview drawing which is one of the unnamed illustrations from Aliens: Creation of the Alien Queen according to the concept drawings, as an index page for the illustration

March 22nd 2023

March 21s 2023

a) Updated and re-edited Illustrations from Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum's "Blast Off" (1973) by Leo and Diane Dillon (I don't know what happened here but I hadn't finished posting all the links for the pages of comparisons, or perhaps it had reverted back to an slightly earlier version of the page which does seem to occasionally happening. That sounds like a poor excused but tt happened right before my eyes once. But this page deals with how Giger referenced this illustrations in his Mordor paintings as if he knoew of a significant referenced work for each. So I worked out three)

March 20th 2023 
a) I've just found ou that Googlepphotos have changed he addresses of hundreds of my photos and I'm working to find them and put them back

March 14th 2023
a) I've re-edited "Blade Runner: Rick Deckard: human or replicant?" (as I went to see the first showing of the Imax version of the film at he science museum the other day). I've broken up the long flow of text with lots of headings.
March 13th 2023

a) Added: Alien: Early Alien storyboard showing Kane making coffee (1978) by Ridley Scott references cover of The Pink Panther #11 (March 1973)

b) Added: The Pink Panther #11 (March 1973) as an index page for articles relating to this comic book

d) Added: Soft Self-Portrait with Fried Bacon (1941) by Salvador Dali as an index page for all articles dealing with this painting. 
(NB So curiously you have this chain of images hanging together by loose strands going from an Alien Queen drawing by Jim Cameron through Syd Mead's Voight-Kampff machine that although they connect with Gger's ZDF and beyond, although the Voight-Kampff machine also connect through Ridley's storyboard for Kane making a coffee via Pink Panther #11 vis Dali's Neferiti drawing from 1972 to his soft Self-Portrait with Fried Bacon (1941) is that makes any sense)
e) Added: Radio Times illustration for At Home With Foxes, 23rd July, 1969 on BBC1, by M Wilson as an index page for any articles relating to this illustrations

as a separate page for the comparisons between the painting and the Radio Times photograph 
g) Added: HR Giger: N.Y. City II Lovecraft over N.Y. City (work 452) (1980) by HR Giger references Adjusting a TV set photo from Radio Times Monday 6th January 1975. as a separate page for the comparisons between the painting and the Radio Times photograph 

h) Added: HR Giger: N.Y. City II Lovecraft over N.Y. City (work 452) (1980) by HR Giger references Radio Times July 3-9 1976 cover "Viewing America" as a separate page for the comparisons between the painting and the Radio Times photograph 

March 3rd 2023

February 18th 2023

February 15th 2023

a) Added Alien: Giger's carrying alien bodyparts from A to B



February 12th 2023

a) Added more photos to:

  1. H R Giger's work studio in the corner of a film studio at Shepperton, 1978 
  2. H R Giger's studio moved into the hut in the car park, 1978
  3. H R Giger's studio moved to the Art Department, 1978

February 8th 2023
c) Added: Blade Runner: Drawing of Voight-Kampff machine by Syd Mead as an index page for articles relating to this image 
g) Added: Poster for a production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in May , 1977 as an index page for articles relating to the image


February 6th 2023

d) Added: HR Giger: Still birth machine (1976) by HR Giger as an index page for the painting

February 4th 2023

a) Added: Prometheus: The Engineers background story


January 28th 2023

d) Added Alien stage III version 2 side view (work 370) (1978) by HR Giger. The Kubrickalien? as an index page was made for the painting and any articles relating to it 
g) Added: Added the page Stanley Kubrick (published January 30 1972) by Albert Hirschfeld as an index page for articles connected wth this image
h) Added "Mother with Child" (work 72)(1967) by HR Giger as an index page for any article dealing with this illustration
j) Added Astro-eunuchs (work 71) (1967) by HR Giger as an index page for articles dealing with this illustration
m) Added Alien: Stage III Alien, 2nd Design (side view) (work 370) (1978) by HR Giger references cover of the Pink Panther comic book #16 (November 1973)?
NB. Acknowledge the connections running from Giger's Astro-Eunuch and the  Mother With Child done in 1967 as workd 71 and 72 connecting with Christiane Kubrick's sculpture of an alien being for 2001:A Space Odyssey that then connects with Giger's Kubrickalien which connects with a cartoon of Stanley Kubrick via Claws of Death (1976) by Peter Andrew Jones, and then there's the cover of The Pink Panther  #16 that appears to reference the Stanley Kubrick illustration as well as Dali's Autumnal Cannibalism.
January 26th 2023

a) Added: Alien: Stage III alien, 2nd Design (side view) (work 370) (1978) by HR Giger references cartoon of Stanley Kubrick (published January 30 1972) by Albert Hirschfeld?

January 25th 2023
January 24th 2023

January 21st 2023
b) Added L'Acier Travaille (1927) by Frantisek Kupka as an index page for artciles connected with this painting
c) Added Acompañamiento sincopado (staccato) (1928-1930) by Frantisek Kupka as an index page for articles relating to this painting 
e) Added HR Giger: Alien Monster V (work 410) (1978) by HR Giger references L'Acier Travaille (1927) by Frantisek Kupka?
January 18th 2023
January 17th 2023

a) Re-edited Alien: Origins of Weylan-Yutani because I found myself responding to a post in Twitter and noticed tha my page about origins of Weylan-Yutani looked very muddled
January 15th 2023
b) Updated Alien The TV series with details from a Deadline interview

January 8th 2023
a) Made a slight update to Alien: The Alien as a dragon with Sigourney weaver talking about the fighting the alien as a dragon being healthier than making movies about killing people in Vietnam

December 29th 2022
d) Added  Superman Lives: Sylvain Despretz' Skullship concept art for the unmade Superman Lives (1997) references right panel from Luncheon of the Boating Party triptych, (1985) by William Kentridge?
December 28th 2022
December 26th 2022
December 18th
a)  Added a page for Alien: Ridleygram of Pedalo

December 13th
a) The page 'Aliens: Jim Cameron's Aliens script makes use of elements from Asterix of Spain comic book?' has now been broken down into separate pages linking to it as an index page:

December 12th

a) Added: Alien: Cutaway of the Alien egg with face hugger inside by HR Giger references vase from "Asterix and the Roman Agent", (Originally published: 4 June 1970). written by Author René Goscinny, illustrated by Albert Uderzo


December 11th

December 4th


December 2nd




November 23rd

i) Added Alien: Ridley Scott's notes for Ripley and Dallas in the test scene in Alien


November 19th

vi) Added: Battle of Tetouan (1962) Salvador Dali references The Marlinespike Car Rally from The Adventures of Tintin and the Red Seasharks (Published 1 January 1958)

November 18th

November 11th
v) Added: Portrait of Mr Emilio Terry (unfinished) by Salvador Dali (1930) references the Henu Barque from the Papyrus of Ani version of the Egyptian book of the dead?

November 10th
ii) Added : HR Giger: Biomechanic Mia (Egyptian Style) (work 444) (1980) as an index page for the painting


November 9th

ii) Added: Alien Resurrection : Motorised wheelchair (1997) by Sylvain Despretz as an index page for this illustration



October 29th

i) Added: Bélial, Emperor of the Flies (1948) by Wifredo Lam as an index page for the image


October 28th

ii) Added: Cover for "Alien Inferno's Fall" (published 2022) by Alex Ronald as an index page for this image
iv) Added an index page for Galactic Head (1969) by Jack Kirby

October 25th
iv) Added: Prometheus: New Worlds (I admit that the information from the promotional pages for Prometheus was rather boring but it is what was given)
October 22nd

i) Added: HR Giger: From Maenad holding the thyrsos and wearing a panther skin, via Fashion Photo, Eida, Paris 1973 by Helmut Newton, to Necronom IV by HR Giger

October 21st
iii) Added Alien: Dead alien astronaut sketch from Giger's Alien Diaries as an index page for the ilustration
October 15th
October 13th
iv) Added: Alien 3: Facehugger hidden in victims chest by HR Giger as a separate page for this section, previously to be found in the section "Alien 3: Giger's Super Face-Hugger". Aaron Percival wrote an article for AVP Galaxy where he tried to address the presence of these drawings,and perhaps I am confused as anyone 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Alien 3, although it makes me think of a sort of fever dream image but now I've added that this Ripley with a Facehugger inside her and inside a glass coffin sounds like Snow White in her glass coffin, and Fincher made a sarcastic joke about this in relation to the end of Ferguson's Alien 3 script
October 12th
iii) Added: Cover of The Inspector #6 comic book (October 1975) as an index page for that comic book cover
v) Added: Cover "Crash" (published 1975) by Chris Foss as an index page for this illustration 
October 1st

September 30th

September 28th
i) Added: Aliens: Front view of Alien Queen head (For Aliens released in 1986 ) by James Cameron as an index page for any article dealing with these Alien Queen head
ii)  Added: HR Giger: Super Star (work 189) (1972) as an index page for any future articles dealing with connections to HR Giger's painting 
September 26th
i) I broke the "Aliens: Jenette Goldstein plays Vasquez" page up into separate pages dealing with the different sections of the story about her playing Vasquez from the various interviews etc. It is easier to read and I can organise any further information more easily.
ii) Added: Roman sea life mosaic (60AD) and Cerealia Facula in Occator Crater on the Ceres planetoid

ii) Updated : I've updated "Aliens: Jenette Goldstein plays Vasquez" with information and a drawing from James Cameron's Future Noir book.

September 18th
September 17th 
iii) Added :Alien: Landscape with Wreck (work 397) for Alien. (1978) by HR Giger as an index page for the painting
vii) Added: Alien: Asterix and Alien as an index page dealing with the Alien film and Asterix
ix) Added: Alien: Wreck (Work 374 ) (1978) by HR Giger as an index page for the painting
xi) Added: Alien: The "ancient mechanism" in the Pink Sphinx's mouth, the death of Brett and the mystery of the alien beast's tongue
September 14th
ii) Added: index page for The Inspector #1 (July 1974
September 13th
September 12th
September 7th
August 25th
August 24th

August 23rd

August 18th
ii) Added: Asterix The Gaul as an index page dealing with all things related to the comic book series
August 17th
August 14th 
ii) Added Helmut Newton: Fashion Photo, Eida, Paris 1973 by Helmut Newton as an index pafe for tbe photo 
August 2nd
i) Added: Alien: Dressing the Nostromo based on some stories about the subject by Roger Christian
ii) Updated Alien production- timeline July 1978 with some Giger's Alien diaries quotes. 
July 26th
July 25th
ii) Added: Interior, Nice (1976) by Helmut Newton as an index page for that photograph 

July 24th 
i) Added: Aliens: Aliens in the workroom
July 10th 
July 9th 
i) Added Radio Times: "Into the Unknown" cover, Radio Times 3th -19th September 1975 as an index page for things relating to the image
July 7th
July 6th
ii) Added Biomechanical Landscape III "Trains" (work 418) (1979) by HR Giger as an index page for that painting 

July 3rd

i) Replaced all statements relating to Giger quotes from his Diaries in Production Timeline October 1978 with direct quotes and added a few photos where possible

July 1st
iv) Added Alien: Perspectives on HR Giger's Life Cycle Hieroglyphics tableau (work 384) (1978) as a page linking up the people's different views about the painting on page separate from the list of comparisons between the painting and various different earlier works


June 25th 2022
June 21st 2022
ii) Re-edited parts of: Prometheus: Jon Spaihts boards Prometheus which links up to the article about Spaihts exploration of the derelict mystery
v) Edited Prometheus: Jon Spaihts writes a script  so that this page becomes the index of everything that he did for Prometheus

June 20th 2022
June 19th 2022

June 12th 2022

ii) Added HR Giger's Necronom I (1976) referenced by Jack Kirby in his head of the statue of the pilot from The Eternals (1976) #1 ? (I'm sure that I had explored this some years ago but somehow the information was lost) 

May 23rd 2022
i) Added: Alien 3: Change to a dogburster. I'm sure that because AVP Galaxy had been posting about alien 3, it made me want to see what I had got on my site, Was there something that I had forgotten even?
May 21st 2022
i) Updated "Prometheus: Jesus Christ Emissary From Outer Space?" on 21st May 2022 with information from the Script Apart podcast
May 11th 2022
i) Updated Prometheus: Possibilities of merging the universes of Blade Runner and Alien because I looked at Jon Spaihts' Alien Genesis script and saw the part with the character Captain Batty
May10th 2022
ii) Added an index page for Helmut Newton
May 5th 2022

April 24th 2022
i) Added: Clive Barker on Alien (What seems to have happened I think is that when Blogspot had a fault one day and removed a dozen plus pages, they must have forgot to return this one and I didn't know anything about it. I'm not even sure what was written on it but I've had another go at developing a page for it. Today it seems easier to find quotes to play with at clivebarker.info though .)

April 20th 2022
April 16th 2022
April 15th 2022
i) Added: Alien: Kane gets face hugged after realising that I hadn't really written anything about it 
ii) Added: The manila envelope coloured Face hugger skin story to Alien: The Facehugger:
April 11th 2022
April 8th 2022

March 27th 2022
i) I've rewritten and re-edited "Alien: Pyramid" renaming it "Alien: Pyramid with birthchamber" but it's still over complicated because there are parts of the script used a references and they're rather page consuming and really people might look at it and not have much of a clue about what they're looking at because it sounds interesting what Dan had in mind and his ideas didn't get into the seen artwork very well. What can I do about it? I don't know. It's been quite a mental battle over the years to deal with the subject matter and work on that one. I added Dan O'Bannon's storyboard for the mural but although that showed me another interesting connection, it didn't really show off all of the interesting things seen in the digital scans that they look at later
ii) I've added photos to Alien: Dan O'Bannon's Original Story index
iii) I've added photos to Alien: Dan O'Bannon's Mysteries and added the connections to the jewel assciations and Tintin connections to do with the Alien script. One might still wonder what was going on there.
March 24th 2022
This was an eye opener because it was a significant piece of the jewel mystery with Alien that I noticed but didn't know what was going on. But I don't know what the idea was about still other than the connections all make sense. At present I am trying to see how it might also connect with the Hope diamond curse but that would have been fuel for diamond curse stories and perhaps a bit of that went into Kirby's Manhunter: Stone of Vengeance 

March 22nd 2022

March 19th 2022
i) Added Raised by Wolves - the TV series as an index page for articles to do with this series 

March 10th 2022
ii) Updated Prometheus: The Ultramorph. That's about an unused concept for Prometheus. It is a bit of a pity because whenever I read what I've put together about this creature, I can't claim to know what I'm writing about here other than putting words together based on words as spoken by Carlos Huante but it's almost reduced to insignificance because we didn't see early storyboards featuring his Ultramorph to the same level that we saw all of these interesting things in Ridley Scott's early storyboards for Alien that had something to do with all these other significant pieces of art, and it seems almost as if Carlos Huante had been left alone stewing in his ideas
Of course the Jocelyn Watt's character doesn't have much of a problem killing it with a diamond bladed hull saw in the Alien Engineers script anyway although this Ultramorph became something designed by another person as Deacon erupting as an Ultramorph instead. It seems as if while Carlos Huante was having all of these intricate ideas, no one including Ridley Scott cared that much anyway about Huante's specifics about this and that other than to think about what they could do with the final image and indeed how they could alter it for something that they wanted for the shot. Meanwhile Huante has a back story that looked as if it was almost on the verge of becoming interesting, but to what extent? 
Steve Messings did acknowledge the idea of the Ultramorph in some words that he shared about the relief he designed in the head room, but there was nothing from Ridley though apart from words about the Evil Deacon in relation to the creature that we see at the end of the final movie that finds itself birthed and left behind on the near barren planet doing nothing and the term The Evil Deacon has a historical context as well.


February 22nd 2022
February 15th 2022
i) Have been working on the arranging and re-editing the content for Carlos Huante
January 30th 2022
January 23rd 2022
i) Added Peter Briggs on the Alien life cycle which is just his various ruminations on the matter that he has managed to share so far.  
iii) Added a few updates to "Alien: The laser placenta" with some extra fragments of small details mentioned in interviews with Roger Christian painting the picture about the events that took place when he went to see Anton Furst about the laser and then told Ridley. 
January 22nd 2022
i) Added: A page for all articles where Roger Christian the production designer for Alienis mentioned

January 16th 2022
January 15th 2022
i) Updated: Guillermo Del Toro and the Alien films. I do wish that Guillermo would talk more about Alien indeed but he had become rather quiet about it.
January 4th 2022
i)There's a new interview with Noah Hawley revealing more about the Alien series https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/a38591125/noah-hawley-anthem-alien-fargo-interview/
ii) With that I've updated my blog page dealing with this series with the information from Esquire Alien: The TV series
December 30th 2021
i) Re-edited Aliens: Writing the script adding material from the commentary 
ii) Added: Aliens: The poster which is basically based upon Gizmodo.com's interview material with James Cameron
December 29th 2021
December 25th 2021
December 22nd 2021
December 21st 2021
December 19th 2021
iv) Added: 'The Baker listening to his Uncle' for Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of The Snark (Published 1876) by Henry Holiday references 'Executioner argues with the King about cutting off the Cheshire Cat’s head' by John Tenniel?
December 17th 2021
December 16th 2021
i) Added: The Baphomet Boulevard as an index for anything that seems to reference the Baphomet by Eliphas Levi 
iv) Added: 'Alice meets the Caterpillar' for Alice In Wonderland (between 1862-1864) by Charles Dodgson (AKA Lewis Carroll) references La Resurrezione di Cristo (1475 - 1479) by Giovanni Bellini?
December 13th 2021
i) Added Alien 3: A stunt Ripley which is just another Propstore item
ii) Added: Alien 3: Animatronic puppet for Charles Dance being slain by the alien which is another Propstore item. The photos were there but no pages for the Propstore site
December 5th 2021
ii) Added: Mysteries of Mars and John Tenniel's illustrations for the Alice In Wonderland novels as an index page dealing with those connections 
iii) Added: Map of Mars (compiled 1877-1886) Giovanni Schiaparelli Connects with one of the sides of the Kodiak Butte in Jezero crater on Mars?
iv) Added: Created an index page for Alien & Aliens: Ron Cobb's art: Nostromo interior concepts
v)  Added: Alien: Design for the Nostromo Control Bridge (1978) by Ron Cobb references Map of Mars (compiled 1877-1886) by Giovanni Schiaparelli? So far for the Nostromo interiors, I have posted one so far. 
vi) Added: Alien: Design for the Nostromo Control Bridge (1978) by Ron Cobb references the cover of The Inspector #9 (May 1976)?

December 3rd 2021
v) Added: HR Giger: Satan I (work 324) (1977) as an index page for articles relating to this page
November 28th 2021
i) Re-edited Alien: Starting the beast, 
iv) I'll just say that there years I'm realising that with his Alien Explorations blog where it describes the events that took place in the events linked with production of the Alien movies, after a while nothing of, it even many of the better written parts without any mistakes, appears to  makes any sense.

If I read a page of it, it means often nothing. As time goes by the context of everything being said appears to fragment into nothing. It's almost perhaps as if I'm at times word blind with the computer screen content

So if I divide every paragraph up with coloured subheadings for each individual action and decision being described, it's more navigable and I can get a better idea of what has been written that's often a fusion of three or four different quotes from various interviews. With that, every sentence has to be set a line apart.
I hate dumping long quotes as something that's supposed to mean anything because really much of of the time they really can only say a fragment of what they want to say and the information that they're trying to get out is spread through at least three or four interviews.

However this this form of breaking information up probably might be better for all, because I'm not really convinced that anyone ever has much of a clue about what's being written in these long articles, they don't have the time to skim through the words and if they read too much on the screen, they're likely to become disorientated.

However I've noticed that one popular poster of Alien material and gots lots of enthusiastic thumbs up (about a month later that's almost 300) , I've realised that the person quoted a section from my writeup about the Yellow Nostromo although I wasn't being given credit.

Everyone could understand what was being communicated within those words that accompanied several photographs of the Nostromo spaceship model painted yellow, and what is more I was able to recognise his own words even though it was a snippet of what he had written.  So, I thought that was interesting. It was my style of wording here anyway, as if to describe the sequence events as they've been described to happen from fragments of numerous interviews, whether those events were really as described or not.
November 27th 2021
b) Added: Mysteries of Mars as an index page for realisations associated with the planet
November 24th 2021
d) Added: Visitez La Cote D'Azur (1968) by Bernard Villemot as an index page for articles dealing with this poster. 
November 23rd 2021
November 20th 2021


November 15th 2021

ii) Added: The 'Maenad holding the thyrsos and wearing a panther skin' avenue
vi) Added: The cover of The Inspector #8 (March 1976) references 'Lobster primps before a mirror' for Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland (1865) by John Tenniel?
November 14th 2021

vi) Added an index page for Wifredo Lam's "Femme-Cheval" (1948) 
November 9th 2021

November 8th 2021
October 31st 2021
i)  Updated Alien: Casting Tom Skerrit as Dallas with some quotes from a Vulture interview with the actor https://www.vulture.com/2021/10/tom-skerritt-has-a-story-to-tell.html

October 30th 2021

i) Edited Event Horizon: Echoes of "Hellraiser" because it needed to be done and some of the sentences seemed a little jibberish for some reason as if some words had disappeared but I don't know what happened to it.

October 27th 2021
i) Added : Alien Resurrection: Jeunet's life in Beverly Hills which is a slightly curious fact about how his house was next to a golf club

October 19th 2021
October 17th 2021
i) Added Roman sea life mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, (initially excavated in 1830) as one of these things that when it was dug up sent Western society artist's into overdrive and then changed it to 'Pompeii Roman Sea Life Mosaic row.
October 16th 2021

i) Added an index page for Plane filling II (1957) by MC Escher
ii) With that I'm doing what I can to focus on The Jacques Louis David's "Death of Socrates" passage
with the various images along its stretch perhaps to show that there are significant little chains of images of map out for very good reason. In the title Passage was previously Route , and then I liked the idea of calling it a Passage, but still a lot of work has to be done. The painting is significant enough as a starting point for sets of such associations.
iii) Added an index page for E.L. Kirchner's "Studio of Painter" (1920)
xi) Added: The cover of The Inspector #2, October 1974
xii) Added: HR Giger: "Pilot in cockpit" (work 380) (1978) references Inspector #2 (October 1974)?<

October 15th 2021 
ii) Added: The marine shop from Hergé's "The Adventures of Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure" (1944) as an index page for anything to do with this image and I've also updated connections between some pages that exist as index pages for anything to do with his work. The two main ones have linked together. Meanwhile this led to me making alterations to these two pages, being the index page for Hergé because there's also the page Hergé's Tintin that seemed confusing. Was there anything that was supposed to be different about either on. perhaps eventually there will be but but I had to edit it down and make sure that I'm not just replicating arrangements of links that can be found elsewhere, and make sure that the page that should have all the links has them all. It's very complicated really and this overcomplication doesn't help the site very much which has near enough helped lead to its failure over the years..
iv) Added Plane filling II (1957) by MC Escher references the marine shop from Hergé's "The Adventures of Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure" (1944) ?

October 10th 2021
i) Updated Alien: The Derelict during construction with photos from Propstore Auction: Alien & Aliens Collection 2nd- 13th December 2019. I've only taken and edited what's was on the website to make them presentable
vi) Added  Alien: derelict ship detail for Alien (1977) by Chris Foss as an index page for the illustration
October 4th 2021
i) Added Alien 3: Inspired by Element of Crime?  as an individual page
ii) Added: Element of Crime: Inspiration from Blade Runner? as an individual page   
iii) Added: Element of Crime: Inspired by Apocalypse Now? as an individual page

October 2nd 2021 

iii) Added: Alien : The chestburster prop known as "Little Rascal"?

29th September 2021

28th September 2021
i) Updated Alien 3: Curious similarities to Apocalypse Now and Blade Runner via Element of Crime" which was previously titled "Alien 3: Curious similarities to Element of Crime". It's a very fragmented subject to even think about. 
The cinematographer and editor of Element of Crime have acknowledged the Blade Runner connection even though the director still says it's different and then the people analysing the film might see the Blade Runner connection for the same obvious reasons but it might require looking at what happened in Blade Runner carefully rather than arguing over whether Deckard must be either a replicant or jusr human. But Coppola has been an influence for Trier certainly and the connections there seem quite evident even if the connections mentioned in the Element of Crime commentary connect it with other Coppola films. Then there's the question about the connection between Blade Runner and Alien 3, is it obvious and has some of the confusion that has erupted in the mysteries surrounding that movie jumped into Alien 3. Is Bishop 2 a human, an android or just a product of confusion for many. Is there something at the core of all of this?
I have recently wondered about and Alien meets Blade Runner story but what could one do with that really, when it seems that these are two different franchises with some different ideas about where the future is going, namely androids in Blade Runner that appear organic and androids that seem to have a semi organic interior such as Ash in Alien, and Ridley Scott liberally calls the latter a 'replicant' which is a term for the androids in Blade Runner, and we might want to wonder what was going on in Ridley's brain when he decided to associate the two. Ridley Scott had his Alien film set a hundred years into the future from when it was made, and that might make it about 2080 although because of Ron Cobb's idea about a futuristic history evolving, he wrote out a series of events that took place in the future that accompanied the set of patches on sale as worn by the Alien crew. The Nostromo flight might seemed to have been revealed to take place perhaps in the early part of the 22nd century instead of towards the end of the 21st. Aliens decided to have a timeline which seemed to be based somewhere along the lines of Ron Cobb's ideas.
With that I seem to appreciate the idea of some disproportionism in the way time it's set out, perhaps have Alien set in 2080 as Ridley imagined with this seemingly unlikely space faring technology but there is the madness of this alternate history that seems to have everyone with a history shoved into the near future of then. This wouldn't help the world of people who want some official timeline that governs everything in the universe of Alien because I'm always happy to have some sort of Moebius loop shoved into it for the hell of it by the sounds of it, or some way that the Escher's imagination work effecting the universe of Alien.
Probably I wouldn't want Alien and Blade Runner to merge as these big franchises but perhaps eventually once the hysteria about these different film universes are cast aside, suddenly these things would eventually bleed through into each other where Tyrell and Weylan(d)-Yutani are found on the same piece of paper or on the horizon on the cityscape with little explanation so frequently that it doesn't matter. Then it seems that William Gibson wanted aliens running around a Blade Runner set back in time of Alien 3 before he went off with the idea of unfinished space stations. But what a biomechanoid alien with its curious life cycle would be doing in the Blade Runner universe is another thing that still I haven't worked out yet. 
21st September 2021
iii) Added the start of the Alien 3 timeline: production etc
19th September 2021

12th September 2021 
iii) Updated Alien: A Sofa in LA
11th September 2021
i) Updated: Memory The Origin Of Alien: Ash the mysogynist dealing with Clarke Wolfe's segment for
I have to say that although I appreciated the documentary any many things seen in it and that the director who made a name for himself with some interesting documentaries was approached to have a go at putting something together, I seems that I have to treat much of it like a fragmented farce and would like improvements in a Director's cut if one ever got made. Perhaps it should be turned into a documentary about case study of hysteria and psychosis projected onto the Alien movie and materials relating to it

9th September 2021
i) Added The Fifth Element: The design of the Mondoshawan expanding on the various possibilties of the design of the characters as seen in the final film 
iii)  Added: The Fifth Element: The final Mondoshawan design by Jacques Rey references Looking-glass-world Armies for Lewis Carroll's "Alice Through The Looking Glass" (published 1871) by John Tenniel ?
8th September 2021  
i) Updated article "Alien: Simon Deering hops aboard" on with information about working as a member of the stage crew for Tangerine Dream's European tour in 1978. This makes it clearer why Steve Joliffe visited Bray studio and helped with the Nostromo 'wiggeteering' (see: Alien: Steve Jolliffe of Tangerine Dreams joins the Nostromo wiggeters). Many thanks to "24db" for the information.
3rd September 2021

2nd September 2021

August 2021
August 23rd 2021
August 22nd 2021
i) Updated "Neill Blomkamp's Alien movie" changing the title to "The coming and going of Blomkamp's Alien 5"
vi) Have corrected multiple misspellings of Stephane Levallois's surname where I've written Lavallois
x) Added: Prometheus: production used blueprints for Shaw's (Noomi Rapace's) quarters
August 14th 2021 

i) Added: Alien 3: ADI's Super Face-Hugger which has nothing new to say about the creation but I've added it.

August 10th 2021
i) Updated "Dune and the gathering", using the page with information from an interview with Dan O'Bannon talking about his time on Dune from "Moebius Redux" and so re-edited the whole essay, breaking the longer sections up with subheadings as a way to navigate the page 
ii) Added: Alien 3: ADI's Queen Alien Facehugger
August 7th 2021
ii) Updated Alien: Ivor Powell wrote a treatment for an Alien prequel/sequel "Universal Matter" with snippets of information from Alien Vs Predator Podcast #130 The History Of the Hunt - An interview with Peter Briggs.
August 6th 2021
i) Bizarrely I decided to update the page: "Supposed "Mayan" artifact showing contact with extra terrestrials Side A as seen on America Unearthed" as I had noticed that Jason Colavito decided to have a point of view about the whole program and I once bought a book by this writer. I probably am interested to explore the contravery around these artifacts since I have a perspective on them that's growing and has helped me to explore connections between various artists work. Colavito noticed the Necronom IV connection before I did and whatever way he thought about it, I noticed it my own way.

July 2021

July 31st 2021

i) I decided to break the "Alien Covenant: The xenomorph  - a stripped-down killing machine" down into a number of different pages and with that added information based on quotes from Cinefex #153 and the Conor O'Sullivan interview for the Reel Feedback podcast. Unfortunately, the story of the process of whatever went on there seems very fragmented still.


July 27th 2021

i) Added Alien beast by Fraco since people were still confused about the illustration and thought it was by Moebius

July 24th 2021

i) Had a go at adding more details to Alien production timeline May 1978 and Alien Production Timeline June 1978 such as Giger having an acid trip in June when she arrived. I keep finding things that ought to be there are not and I thought that I had written a chapter on Giger's use of LSD but somehow it has been erased, and one wonders what to make of these inconsistancies. Although I have written all of thise out in the timelines which should really be brief, they might as well become more complicated, in order for me to really work out what I think that I am doing rather than guessing about what these brief references mean


July 15th 2021
ii) Updated  Alien: Ivor Powell wrote a treatment for an Alien prequel/sequel "Universal Matter"
and added "Universal Matter" to the title 
July 14th 2021

i) Added Alien: HR Giger's Space Jockey and the "Pacal Votan" tomb lid as an exploration of the relationship between the two

July 11th 2021

July 10th 2021

i) Added: Alien: Early Alien script by Dan O'Bannon references The Adventures of Tintin: Tintin and the Broken Ear (Published 1936) by Hergé?



July 4th 2021

i) Added: Alien Covenant: Alien Newborn by Colin Shulver
July 3rd 2021

i) Updated Alien: The TV series

June 2021

June 30th 2021

i) Added: the make of the radio control box seen in the photo at Alien: David Watling's Alien Head

June 23rd 2021 

i) Added:  Echoes of Occator crater on the Ceres planetoid in relief of Roman relief of a port scene from the Severan age (Yes, I'm sure that I'm causing confusion with this but there we go)
June 19th 2021

June 9th 2021 

June 5th 2021

May 2021

May 15th 2021

i) Google have deleted over a dozen pages because of supposed Malware violations, and there shouldn't be anything of that nature at all. but there we go.
ii) 'January to December 2020' has just been restored.
iv) 'Aliens: Writing the script' has just been restored.
v) 'Alien: Nostromo' has just been restored. 
vi) 'Alien: Nostromo: The Garage 'has now been restored. 
viii) 'Alien: Hypersleep chamber' has now been restored.
ix) 'Alien: Nostromo: Hypersleep chamber' has now been restored.
xiv) 'Alien: Nostromo: The Refinery' has been restored.
April 2021
April 26th 2021

April 23rd 2021

April 17th 2021
i) Updated Alien 3 Cocoons with news that the story about David Fincher's "Thinking Shell" as told to Cinefex was a fib

April 1st 2021
i) Added: Further rewrote: Alien: The end of the line and back to the distant past. Whenever I look at the essay, i keep finding that the words are mixed up or meaningless as if a digital whirlwind is forever mixing everything up. This problem has gone on for years and may well continue. 

I don't know if we can find out enough because Ridley only gives vague fragments of the development of his ideas for the evolution of the Space Jockey scenario which is infuriating for an Alien fan.

What we have are bare bones and very little to flesh it out with. Posting quotes from Ridley as something conveying meaning isn't good enough, because they don't always mean that much for anyone really wanting to know something.

Is there another direction to go with this? I'd like to go there.

March 2021
March 29th 2021

i) Added: Alien Life Cycle Hieroglyphs according to Christopher Robinson as published in L'art et la science dans Alien

March 24th 2021
i) Updated Alien: Ridley's creative turnaround With the release of the longer version of the interview featured in the Ivor Powell documentary recently (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ivor-powell-associate-producer-of-alien-and-blade-runner/id1522552119?i=1000514095372) this means I can update the article Ridley's Creative Turnaroud with the name of the actual station where Ivor carried out the near legendary act of picking up the copy of the Metal Hurlant.
I'm obviously excited to think that Ridley saw the magazine that Ivor bought as they sat on the train, and then perhaps said "Let's have a look at that" before he picked it up. That's part of the story of the making of Alien .  
March 18th 2021
i) Added : HR Giger's Unused Alien Life Cycle Tableau according to SciFi Explained
March 17th 2021
i) Added: Federico Fellini as an index page for articles dealing with this director

March 14th 2021
March 13th 2021

March 3rd 2021

i) Added: A separate page for "HR Giger: The theme of Nut the Sky Goddess involved in Giger choice of grave stone" was made on 3rd March 2021 although the information had been published here as soon as photos showed up of the tomb stone which was shortly after the completion of the grave memorial in 2016

March 2nd 2021
ii) Added: Alien: Nostromo: Hypersleep chamber as an index page for articles dealing with this chamber 
iii) Added: Alien: Nostromo: The Garage as an index page for articles dealing with this chamber
February 2021



February 25th 2021  

i) Added: Predator: The Val Verde Universe of movies

February 20th 2021
i) Re-edited "Prometheus: Encounter with the Engineers references Dromedan from Jack Kirby's The Eternals?" (Formerly "Prometheus references Jack Kirby's The Eternals?")
February 10th 2021
February 1st 2021  
January 2021

January13th 2021

i) Updated Carl Sagan vs von Däniken with quotes from "Planetary systems beyond the sun" lecture (1977)for The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures for Children
January 10th 2021
i) Updated "Chris Nolan on Alien and Blade Runner" changing it to "Chris Nolan on Alien, Alien 3 and Blade Runner Thankfully Chris Nolan has expanded on his discussion about the Alien franchise in interviews beyond his few words of appreciation for Alien. As we can see from the article from The Independent which has already reached most of you by other sources, he has talked a little about Alien 3 and I've now added that to my page on his experience of the films. 
January 5th 2021
vii) Added index page for articles dealing with HR Giger's Passage Temple - Way of the Magician (work 264) (1975))
ix) Added: Illustrations for Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland etc by John Tenniel  




January 2014

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