Guild Tug for Jodorowsky's Dune (1975) by Chris Foss references Visitez La Cote D'Azur (1968) by Bernard Villemot


leading from
a) Guild Tug for Jodorowsky's Dune (1975) by Chris Foss

Guild Tug for Jodorowsky's Dune (1975) by Chris Foss

b) Visitez La Cote D'Azur (1968) by Bernard Villemot 

c) Detail showing the head of dark hair becomes the engine intake shadow and the trees in the distance become ideas for the red and yellow stripes on the sides of the front of the intakes.
c) The two side by side. Here the head of dark hair becomes the engine intake shadow and the trees in the distance become ideas for the red and yellow stripes on the sides of the front of the intakes. 

d) The hand becomes the main body of the ship with the lower arm becoming the engine support


e) So with the hair becoming the right thruster intake and the hand becoming the main central body of the ship, the backs would become the right side of the ship with the support arm extending out connecting up with the engine.

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