a.i) Scott Wolter investigates supposed Mayan artefacts showing contact between man and UFOnauts
Supposed "Mayan" artifact showing contact with extra terrestrials, Side B (Image brought to my attention via https://www.theothersideofmidnight.com/20201212_wolter/) which appeared in Scott Wolter's series America Unearthed, Season 4, Episode 2: Alien Artifacts. (The America Unearthed program I believe attempted presented a skeptical view about the item but I wouldn't know what exactly I was supposed to understand as real beyond my attempts to compare it to 19th and 20th century art. I would actually come to watch the program for the first time on August 6th 2021))
So he was familiar with HR Giger's work and he puts it down to being inspired by Gigers Necronom IV. I have decided that there was another piece of Giger's art involved and some knowledge of a possible connection with John Tenniel's illustrations for Alice In Wonderland and its sequel.
We can know though that the monster from Ridley Scott's movie Alien is only mostly based upon Necronom IV and this thing isn't the movie Alien but the artist who created this artifact ought to have been familiar with the way that one led to another, as should Jason Colavito.
What is behind Giger's Necronom IV is another long discussion to be had in itself.
mentions that the areas of colour are paint and ought to be decayed by
the moist soil, but I don't know what the material is although in the
video, we're presented with the idea that the mouth area appears to be
stuck down with organic resin.
Segment 1
We open in a Mexican cave where a Native, presumably Olmec or Maya, sees a bright flash of light in the sky and encounters Grey aliens emerging from a spaceship deep in the rainforest. Then we crash into the opening titles.
Wolter claims, absurdly enough and without explanation, to be in Mexico to look for a “lost civilization” that he believes predates the Olmec by 5,000 years and had contact with space aliens. He falsely claims that the Maya had “advanced technology that we struggle to comprehend.” That claim is straight out of a nineteenth century colonialist handbook. The Maya made no use of the wheel and did not have true arches. Their technology is not beyond our ken. We then flash back to a staged scene in which artifact collector Mark Russell shows Wolter some of the fake “alien” artifacts like those depicted in UFOs: The Lost Evidence. The art style on the rectangular blocks is immediately suspect since they use modern artistic conventions (note the positioning of the human bodies) that Mesoamerican art did not typically use. Also, the main alien on one of the blocks is the alien from Alien, which was created by H. R. Giger based in a print Giger had made called Necronom IV, named for the Necronomicon of H. P. Lovecraft, who was a key influence on Giger. Wolter falsely claims that the artifacts would remain unchanged in the ground without weathering for thousands of years, and Russell shows Wolter a carbon date for organic glue (!) on the artifact showing that the blocks date back to 7500 BCE, a laughable claim that Wolter wants to confirm by repeating the test. What are the chances that carved blocks from 7500 BCE would be carved in a 21st century-style pastiche of Maya art circa 800 CE? What are the chances that the colorful paint job on the alien from Alien remained untouched and undecayed in the moist Mexican soil for 9,500 years?
(Jason Colavito Review of America Unearthed S04E02 "Alien Artifacts"6/4/2019 )- (Scott Wolter (voice over) That's what I'm here in the mexican jungle to find out. The whole reason I'm here is because two days ago, a man with something extraordinary showed up at my lab.
Mark Russell: Scott, you're gonna love these.
Scott Wolter: Well, mark, your e-mail was rather cryptic. Must be good,
whatever you've got.
Mark Russell: Well, you tell me.
Scott Wolter: This is a statue with...a pointed head? Look at the eyes. That looks alien.
Mark Russell: Yes.
Scott Wolter: You know what? Look at that. That's a little spaceship..
Mark Russell: Yep.
Scott Wolter: Mark, what is this?
Mark Russell: I believe that these depict
contact with aliens.
Scott Wolter: Are you kidding me?
Mark Russell: No.
Scott Wolter: I-I-I-I don't even know what to say. I've never seen anything like this.
Mark Russell: Well, I've saved the best for last.
Scott Wolter: What the hell is this? There's indigenous people praying, Planets, meteorites, But on the other side, we have a scene that's carved. This has a mesoamerican feel to it, Like aztec or mayan, But I'm not really sure. Where did you get these?
Mark Russell: They come from Ojuelos de Jalisco in mexico.
Scott Wolter: Okay. I need to see this. Turn on the monitor, will you?
Mark Russell:Okay.
Scott Wolter: Where in mexico did you find these?
Mark Russell:Ojuelos de jalisco is in central mexico, Right in there.
Scott Wolter: You realize that... I mean, to some people, this will sound crazy. So, what we need to do is bring some science to the equation and look very carefully at these artifacts to see if we can get some hard facts to back up your claim. I'm gonna get my microscope out.Let's start there.
Mark Russell: Okay.
(Scott Wolter (voice over) I've always known Mark to be a collector of authentic artifacts, But I'm not sure what to think about these. If it wasn't someone like him bringing them to me, I'd think there's no way these have a chance of being anything other than a hoax.
Mark Russell: Okay.
Scott Wolter: You see those grooves?
Mark Russell:Uh-huh.
Scott Wolter: You can see where they carved the grooves, and there's dirt in the grooves, but I'm not seeing any weathering features on the rock. These came out of the ground, right?
Mark Russell: I saw them come out of the ground with my own eyes.
Scott Wolter: Well, that would explain why I'm not seeing any evidence of age because if they were buried. They could sit there till the end of time and they won't change. Okay, let me show you something, Mark.Do you see this area right here, This little thin strip? ?
Mark Russell: Right. ?
Scott Wolter: This material is some type of adhesive. .
Mark Russell: Okay.
Scott Wolter: If it's organic-based, we could do c-14 testing. We could date it.
(C-14 testing Measures the radioactive decay of organic material To determine how old it is. It's high-tech and highly accurate, and it should be able to tell me if Mark's artifact is ancient or modern.)
Mark Russell: Well, it is organic, and I've had it dated.
Scott Wolter:You've already had it tested? .
Mark Russell: I've had it tested, and you aren't gonna believe the results. (pause)
Mark Russell: Okay, I just sent you the results.
Scott Wolter: Alright. Let's take a look here. University of arizona. What? 7609 to 7520? That's 9,500 years ago.
Mark Russell: That's right.
Scott Wolter: I mean, if this test result is right, this represents a culture that predates any
mesoamerican culture by a lot, I mean, by thousands of years. I agree.
Mark Russell: I agree.
Scott Wolter: And not only that, a culture that interacted apparently, with aliens..
Mark Russell: Yes.
Scott Wolter: This is a pretty extraordinary claim, and we're gonna need extraordinary proof. So, what I think we need to do is we need to replicate this result. I'd like to take another sample of this glue and test it, and if we get another similar date,Boy, it's on now.
(Scott Wolter (voice over): Science is about repeated results.That's why testing this again is so important. Well, mark, I'll send this off right away, But it's gonna take a couple weeks at least For us to get the test results.) (America Unearthed, Season 4, Episode 2: Alien Artifacts.) - Scott Wolton: Well, ed, I'd like to show you a picture, If you don't mind. This is more three-dimensional. It actually comes off the surface of the piece, But this is an inset piece, and there's actually glue along here. This glue is organic-based.
Dr. Barnhart: Really?
Scott Wolton:Yes. (Voice over: I showed Dr. Barnhart the results of the c-14 test Mark russell performed on this tablet, and he's just as shocked by the date of 7500 bc as I was.)
Dr. Barnhart: Whoa. That's incredibly old. That's... that's reaching right back into paleolithic times. That's amazing. The organic material should not survive that long. There's not even a hint of any kind of organized society at that point.
Scott Wolton: Is it possible maybe this is a culture that we really don't know much about?
Dr. Barnhart: That is entirely possible. I think that especially out in western and central mexico, We have a lack of archaeology.
Scott Wolton: These dates...Is there any way they could be faked in your mind?
Dr. Barnhart: I mean, it's within the realm of possibility. You could take some very old material and put it in the binder. If you were determined to create a false artifact and trick a test like this, But you'd have to know it was that old. You'd probably have to get an archaeologist who had already found a site that old that knew how to get access to that material.
Scott Wolton: Do you think an archaeologist would do that?
Dr. Barnhart: Certainly, I wouldn't. Now, I remind you that you've got one date here, And at the moment, I call it an anomaly. This is not a pattern. You need to find a pattern if you're going to prove this.
Scott Wolton: Absolutely, and that's why we've taken some samples from this piece, and I've sent them off for c-14 testing, and I can't wait to get the results back. It should happen anytime. (Voice over: I never stop being amazed at the rich, cultural history of mesoamerica. That's why it's so critical I verify the results of Mark Russell's c-14 test. If the artifact he showed me is truly 9,000 years old, it will represent a new unwritten chapter in Mesoamerican history, and that's not a book we can rewrite without ample proof. So, I need to be sure. That's why I wanted to repeat the c-14 dating of his artifact, and today, I finally get the results of my test back.)
Mark Russell: Hey, scott.
Scott Wolton: Mark, how you doing? Good to see you, pal. I had a very interesting time
with the jac detectors. I did go in the caves, I saw the carvings, and I saw their artifacts,
and I have to say, I really wasn't very impressed. I don't know how old these are. All I know is, is that in my opinion, They're not old. The other thing that I did recently Was I talked to a mayan expert, and I showed him some of the artifacts that I got from you, and he said these things
don't look like anything that came out of the known cultures that he's studied and that might not be a bad thing because these had to have come from a culture that existed prior to...
Mark Russell: A time before.
Scott Wolton: The olmecs, the mayans, the toltecs. So, that's where we're at. and you might recall that we collected a sample, Sent it off... ...And here are the test results.
Mark Russell: Hmm.
Scott Wolton: The initial test result that you got from the university of arizona was about 7500 bce.
if these results are even close to what you got, I mean, this will completely blow up the historical
narrative of north america as we know it today. Are you ready to take a look?
Mark Russell: Yes.
Scott Wolton: Okay, Mark. ?
Mark Russell: Okay. .
Scott Wolton: Here we go.You ready for this?
Mark Russell: Okay.
Scott Wolton: 9240 years bp... Before present.
Mark Russell: That's fantastic.
Scott Wolton: 9,500 years ago from today. Read this and make sure
I'm not mistaken. Is that what it says?.
Mark Russell: That's what it says.9240, plus or minus 30 bp.
Scott Wolton: Before present. That's almost exactly what you got before..
Mark Russell: Yeah.
Scott Wolton: Do you know what this means?
Mark Russell: That means history's changed.
Scott Wolton: I mean, this is just crazy. Ah. Hold on a sec here. Let's go look at this piece
for a second over here. Take a look at this. Okay, this is where you guys took your sample, right? ?
Mark Russell: Right.
Scott Wolton: Okay, around the eye, and I took mine under the mouth here, And we got virtually
the same results..
Mark Russell: We did indeed
Scott Wolton: 9,500 years ago. So, you know what that means? You have an incredible
artifact here, or somebody had to fake this. The only way something like this could be faked is if an archaeologist went to a known site, collected 9,500-year-old material, created an adhesive, and then created the artifact. Off the top of my head, I'm not even sure what sites you could go to that would have that kind of material, and would an archaeologist do that? I don't... I just can't imagine it.
Mark Russell: And if they're genuine, it changes the timeline.
Scott Wolton: It changes everything. I'm glad you brought up the timeline. Let's put this into perspective. If this artifact truly dates to 7200 bce, It predates the inca, the maya, the olmec, Any mesoamerican culture by 5,000 years or more, whatever culture created this existed at the dawn of the archaic period. Archaeologists believe there were primarily hunter-gatherers around at that time,
but clearly, this artifact is more advanced than that Archaeologists are gonna put these artifacts into the archaic period. I think they're gonna have to rename that period because there's nothing archaic about these artifacts. Clearly these people are advanced. Look at the beautiful artwork, we've got these strange symbols that we don't even know what they are. I mean, this is a high advanced culture and let me ask you this. Is what we're seeing depicted here contact between these ancient cultures and aliens?
Mark Russell: Yes. To me, there's no doubt.
Scott Wolton: You don't have any doubt, do you?
Mark Russell: No.
Scott Wolton: But you realize as amazing as these results are, people aren't gonna believe it.
Mark Russell: No..
Scott Wolton: They're gonna say, "this is impossible." This is just the beginning. we have a lot more work to do. (Voiceover: As excited as I am, I still have a lot of investigating to do before I can be 100% certain Mark's artifact is authentic. As I've said before, this is an extraordinary claim, so it needs extraordinary proof. But for now, I can't help but wonder... Maybe the truth isn't out there after all. Maybe it's right here in front of me. (America Unearthed, Season 4, Episode 2: Alien Artifacts.) - Scott Wolter: I
kind of wanted to talk about these a little bit because, you know we
did an episode in season 4 about thes alien artifacts, which erm, you
know reportedly had been discovered primarily in Mexico, erm, that
have been dug out of the ground, that have depictions of aliens. Alien
craft and some of them get into some high level tech, what appears to be
technological um, machines doing all kinds of things in planets and
Are you familiar with these artifacts? Do you know what I'm talking about?
Richard Hoagland: Actually the only artifacts that I know about in that part of the world that are highly suspect are something called the Cabrera stones that a colleague of mine who pretty convincingly were probably done in a home, but I haven't seen these so start at the beginning
Scott Wolter: Several years ago I was in a conference that I was speaking at, erm, it's called the Paradyne Symposium and, and I came in there and I was talking about the Rune stones and the Templars and the stuff that you know, I usually talk about and I walk by this table and this guy had these, it was full of these stone, you know, stone with carvings, and I picked them up and I looked at them and I'm like "Jesus, they've got almond eyes and big heads" and I go "these are alien" space ships and all the stuff, but the artwork was really beautiful and there was just something about them that that captivated me and and I thought to myself "I want to buy some of these" and I talked to the guy You know, he started off with a price and I said "what if I get a few of them ?" Next thing I know, I have a pile of these things and I , I got a real, I got a really good price, but hey I bought them with the idea that , you know, they're beautiful artwork and if I ever wanted to get rid of them I, you know, I can get my money back right, and the other reason why I wanted to buy them is because I thought I might be able to do some testing on them, and in some cases, destructive testing, and I'm that I'm not going to do that with anybody else's artefacts so, I bought them, I took them home, and I started to look at them very carefully, and the long and the short of it is, I ended up meeting somebody else through this person that have an artifact that was a small pipe and he contacted me and he said "Scott can you do some testing on this pipe?" I said well sure, let me look at it and I'll see what I can do. So, I'm looking at this pipe and it's not very big and I look inside the bowl and I put it up in the microscope and I can see there was dirt, all these things have dirt of them right, and I could see, I could see you know a layer of dirt in the bowl but I could also see underneath that there was a dark layer of erm, uh resinRichard Hoagland: Oh, some kind of organic
Scott Wolter: It was organic, and it looked like it was, somebody had been
Richard Hoagland: That's testable
Scott Wolter: Smoking on,
Richard Hoagland: That's testable
Scott Wolter: so that's what I had said and to make a long story short, I sent it off to a laboratory who will remain nameless and what happened was, I contacted these people, because I regularly send C-14 testing into them and I said "Here's what I got, how would you want me to collect the sample without having contamination from the sediment." They said "Tell you what Scott, just send us the pipe, we'll collect the sample" and we'll do the test and I said
Richard Hoagland:wow
Scott Wolter: I said "Okay, great. So I sent them the piece. About three weeks later, i get a call and they said "Scott, can you pay straight away for that?" Before I get the results right. And I'm like "Okay". Well, he'd never done that before, alright, and I gave my credit card and the last thing he said to me is "I'm going to send you an email with the test results. Don't ever send anything like this to us again."
Richard Hoagland:Oh great
Scott Wolter: And I'm like Oh, okay, so I got the
Richard Hoagland:How deep
Scott Wolter: Oh, I, what's that
Richard Hoagland:How deep is this damn conspiracy? It's like they bought or terrorised everybody
Scott Wolter: I'm not, I don't know, to be quite frank with you, I don't think they're part of a conspiracy, I think that they were just freaked out
Richard Hoagland: Then why are they scientists? They ought to become plumbers!
Scott Wolter: Hell of a good question, and I don't have an answer to that but all I can tell you
Richard Hoagland: Unreliable, no seasonable profession. You meet nice people, you get to go into strange houses, you know, if you have no courage, they should not be calling themselves Academics or Scientists
Scott Wolter: I don't even think it takes courage to run a C-14 test. Ut's just a simple damn test. Here is the organics, run the test, here's the result. What's the problem? I mean is your science good?
Richard Hoagland: Obviously bought into a model. When they find deviations, it screws their life up.
Scott Wolter: So let me ask you the question. What do you think the date was that I got back
Richard Hoagland: Okay, uh, pipe, obviously for smoking, probably something interesting, ceremonial. Uh, where, where was it found again?
Scott Wolter: In Mexico somewhere. I don't know exactly where
Richard Hoagland: Mexico. Okay, I'd say it's between twelve and thirty thousand years.
Scott Wolter: Huh, that's, fifty six, fifty four hundred years B.P.
Richard Hoagland: I love it
Scott Wolter: Fifty four hundred, and of course I got that test result and I'm like "What! This is insane". Well since that time, I've purchased a few more artefacts, specifically artefacts that have inserts. In other words, little adornments that have been attached to the main artifact
Richard Hoagland: Oh, which in fact can hold detritus
Scott Wolter: Well, which is attached with some kind of adhesive
Richard Hoagland: So it's not carbon dated as one piece
Scott Wolter: Well, a lot of them are but some of them are composits and some of them are just a main piece that have adornments that have been glued onto them (https://www.theothersideofmidnight.com/20201212_wolter/)
b) My point of view would be to take a look at the artifacts and how they relate to art as we know it through history leading into the past from today. I am interested in how a good number of these artefacts show that the artist has some sort of knowledge about connections between the art of HR Giger, his friend Ernst Fuchs, and John Tenniel's illustration for Alice In Wonderland and its sequel from the mid 19th century that created a splash in the minds of a lot of artists from then, and so I keep finding that these pieces reveal connections with art leading backwards from the time that they have been discovered. If it turns out to be a work of a time traveller who is trying to shake up the timeline, a person from the distant past who could see into the future or someone who is from this time period but who has a rich understanding of art, I'm still interested but at this time I think it's the latter
b.) Side A: Larger image references HR Giger's Necronom IV (work 303) (1978)?
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Necronom IV, acrylic on paper on wood, 150x100cm, 1976 |
b.i) The two side by side
b.vii) Some sort of vertical reptilian face
c.i) Side A: Smaller details Supposed "Mayan" artifact showing contact with extra terrestrials Side A references Biomechanoid III (1974) (work 255) by HR Giger?
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Biomechanoid III, 1974 |
c.ii) The left collar like structure of the female sarcophagus becomes the long slanted eye of an extra-terrestrial grey
c.vii) The left long bone like structure becomes the left arm
d) References Alice and the Knitting Sheep from "Alice Through The Looking Glass" (published 1871) John Tenniel ?
d.i) The Tenniel illustration and the comparable part of the "Mayan" artifact
d.ii) Here it would be the sheep's head that becomes the stretched eye
d.iii) The Alice becomes the man
d.iv) The left side of the counter becomes the crouching human, while the sheep's foot becomes the fish tail like shape at the end of the headdress
d.v) Meanwhile the basket of eggs and the slanted display case becomes the top hat like structure
e. Showing comparable details from the the three image together
e.i) The Alice and the Knitting Sheep illustration by Tenniel, the Biomechanoid III (1974) by HR Giger and the "Mayan" artifact side by side
e.ii) Alice , biomechanoids, shaman with UFOs and planets
e.iii) Left side of counter, female sarcophagus and humanoid with top hat like thing
e.iv) Sheep head, female sarcophagus collar and stretched eye
"Supposed "Mayan" artifact showing contact with extra terrestrials Side A as seen on America Unearthed" added January 5th 2021
ReplyDeleteUpdated the article with a mention of Jason Colavito seeing the connection between the artifact and Necronom IV from June 2019