HR Giger: Necronom I (1976) references a crashed Pontiac from the New Sculpture by J. G. Ballard', "Crashed Cars" exhibition at the New Arts Laboratory in London (1970)?


leading from

a) Necronom I (1976) by HR Giger

b) A crashed Pontiac from the New Sculpture by J. G. Ballard "Crashed Cars" exhibition at the New Arts Laboratory in London (1970) (There are a number of shots taken of this car from slightly different angles but this one is as good an example as any)
c) One above the other

d) Right side of the front of the wrecked car above the jaw and lower face of the Necronom I

e) Part of the horizontal wrecked grill becomes horizontal tendrils or pipes stretching across the jaw.


 f) The far right side of the front of the car with headlights and the mouth of the the Necronom I

g) The far left of the crashed pontiac showing the radiator grill and left headlight, .

The far left side with the headlight transform here into the ear while this part of the grill becomes the side of the head

h) Parts of the grill as seen in the centre with buckling downwards on the right side become the side of the head as it connects with the jaw

i) Horizontal part of the car beneath the wind screen becomes part of the upper side pipes, helping to set up the idea



1 comment:

  1. "HR Giger: Necronom I (1976) references A crashed Pontiac from the New Sculpture by J. G. Ballard', "Crashed Cars" exhibition at the New Arts Laboratory in London (1970)?" was posted on June 12th 2022
