a) Nostromo control Bridge (1978) by Ron Cobb
c) One above the other
d) Right side of map and area featuring a table, chairs and computers
e) The area containing Chrys, Xanthe, Lux and Albus becomes the back of the chair with the Indus channel as the left side while the area known as Niliacus Lacus and Acidalium Mare become the chair support.
f) The
area containing Aeria, Arabia, Eden and Edom would be on the left with Deucalionis Regio snaking over would become this computer unit
i) Dark area named Mare Australe and the shadowy ceiling of the rook with computers, but there aren't many details in the Mars map to play with.
"Alien: Design for the Nostromo Control Bridge (1978) by Ron Cobb references Map of Mars (compiled 1877-1886) by Giovanni Schiaparelli?" was posted on December 5th 2021