leading from
Mordor VI |
Sea Bishop and Sea Monk
3rd February 2016: Seeing
that this entity with a bishop's mitre has a body perhaps almost like a
sea creature of some kind, I take notice of the presence of a Bishop
fish and the Sea Monk when looking up images of the Sumerian god Oannes
who is vaguely associated with with the Nommo. While there are the
ancient stories of these entities with the same basic illustrations
being done and redone again later. One can see how they become more and
more deformed. The Sea Monk in some cases is assumed to be the misidentification of a
squid while the Bishop Fish looks progressively more and more like a
Jenny Haniver carved from a skate or a sting ray even if there was
something more to the sightings of these things than just
mis-association leading to story telling.
- Wikipedia:"The sea bishop or bishop-fish
was a type of sea monster reported in the 16th century. According to
legend, it was taken to the King of Poland, who wished to keep it. It
was also shown to a group of Catholic bishops, to whom the bishop-fish
gestured, appealing to be released. They granted its wish, at which
point it made the sign of the cross and disappeared into the sea.
Another was supposedly captured in the ocean near Germany in 1531. It
refused to eat and died after three days. It was described and pictured
in the fourth volume of Conrad Gesner's famous Historiae animalium."(Wikipedia)
b) Studying the Sea Bishop
Looking in Giger's painting, the character with a tall head dress seems to be inspired by a Sea Bishop, and this lead later on May 29th 2016 to myself realising that Giger had one on his wall at home.
highlighted section from Necronom VI |
Bishop Fish (source: (source: Vlissis Aldrovandi ...
Monstrorum historia, cum Paralipomenis historiae
... By Ulisse Aldrovandi) |
a Jenny Haniver carved from a Sting-Ray or a Skate |
Other Sea Bishop from "Giger 1940- 2014" short film |
Another Sea Bishop from "Giger 1940- 2014" short film |
The sea monk
i.) 3rd February 2016:The biomechanoid with the long head and fins coming out from the side is roughly inspired by the main body of a squid along with its fins. Drawings of the Sea Monk often seem roughly inspired by the form of a squid but the squid body with fins becomes the upper half of the sea monk.
ii.) 4th February 2016: I've decided that the horns of this creature may well be limbs because of some of the old drawings tentacle arms.
Biomechanoid inspired by Sea Monk inspired by a squid body |
Sea Monk (source: Vlissis Aldrovandi ...
Monstrorum historia, cum Paralipomenis historiae
... By Ulisse Aldrovandi) |
Fascinating stuff, again. Always gives me something to think about.