Panel from ""Dogman in Doktor Oktorpus Nonplussed" references Salvador Dali's Daddy Longlegs of the evening - Hope" (1940) ?

 leading from
"Dogman in Doktor Oktorpus Nonplussed" from p 28 
of Dennis Gifford's Ally Slopper #1 (1976) drawn by Hunt Emerson

a) Panel from Dogman

b) Dali's "Daddy Longlegs of the Evening - Hope!" (1940)

c) The area of the painting that becomes the dogman's head

d) The cherub becomes hand

e) The figure in the distance becomes the centre of the eyes

f) Looking further down along this area, perhaps we have an area for the whole head and with this we might see how the red stamen like form becomes the tongue ,

g) The red stamen becomes a tongue

h) The gap between the drooped orchid like form  that might as well be an organic bi-plane and the sleeping yellow head becomes the open mouth.

The closed eyelid becomes the finger

i) The ink pots become the dogman's ears, while the breast becomes the eye

j) The viola becomes the belly of the dogman

k) The end of the cannon becomes the sun

The crutch becomes an abstract architectural form in the background.

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