Illustration from Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum's "Blast Off" (1973) by Leo and Diane Dillon references Francis Bacon's Study for a Bullfight no. 1 (1969)?

leading from

a) Young girl Regina in space suit travelling in her rocket ship through space

b)  References Francis Bacon's Study for a Bullfight no. 1 (1969)

 I had decided that somehow it matched up with Francis Bacon's Study for a Bullfight no. 1 (1969) which is a good painting for ideas

c) White substance becomes the space suit

The artists might have loved Francis Bacon's work as much as any one else could, they might have liked the colours, thought about the the white mass, and how it could be transformed into a space suit 

Here I am making comparisons that look as if I'm trying to make out that this children's book contains part of a secret plan for a demented science fiction horror.

The horn of the bull becomes the grey band over the shoulder

d) The horn of the bull becomes the grey band over the shoulder

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