HR Giger's Mordor VII (1975) references Illustration from Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum's "Blast Off" (1973) by Leo and Diane Dillon, (with the idea that it referenced "The Sower" (1947) by James Gleeson) ?


leading from
Illustrations from Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum's "Blast Off" (1973) by Leo and Diane Dillon


a) Mordor VII (1985) by HR Giger

b) Illustration from Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum's "Blast Off" (1973) by Leo and Diane Dillon, (with the idea that it referenced "The Sower" (1947) by James Gleeson) ?

c) The row of front gardens with front stairways becomes the tiger prawn like ribbed form

d) The shoulder on the left side of the girl's body becomes the shoulder of the lower arm in the centre of the painting that has its own eye, as if the arm were a sort of an elephant trunk, and so the hand becomes the position of the elbow of the main long arm with fingers running down the centre of the painting



e) The back of the head with afro becomes the shoulder of this creature in the painting


f) The hand is transformed into nodules or a row of holes that would perhaps be the most vague examples of vestigial remains of the fingers

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