Drax Space Station by Ken Adam for Moonraker (film released 1979) references Bernard Villemot's poster for "Bruxelles Avril 1958 Octobre" ?

leading from 

 a) Drax Space Station by Ken Adam for Moonraker (film released 1979)

b) References Bernard Villemot's poster for "Bruxelles Avril 1958 Octobre"  

c) Circle wth the numbers 58 inside becomes a study for a module as seen from above, separated from the rest of the space station design

d) The Union jack becomes these criss crossing elements

e) The upper spike becomes an antenna tower, with the flag becoming a module

f)  Upper left module with flag becomes the left arm leading to a module, and the vertical orange stripe becomes the orange rectangular decoration on the module.

g) Lower left spike with a flag becomes an arm leading to a module. Perhaps the horizontal yellow stripe gets carried over to this module and others

h) Lower right spike becomes an arm leading to a module. The sides of the building in the poster becomes the supports?

 i) The upper spike becomes an antenna tower

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