Illustration from Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum's "Blast Off" (1973) by Leo and Diane Dillon, references "The Sower" (1947) by James Gleeson) ?


leading from

a) Illustration from Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum's "Blast Off" (1973) by Leo and Diane Dillon, 


b) James Gleeson's The Sower (1947)

c) Rounded area with animal face, and hand holding a large object becomes the profile of the girl's head with thick afro hair.

d) Open tooth maw and the girls, and the upper arm and shoulder on the left side of the girl

e) The areas along the right edge of the wing and the girl's arm and hand. The parsnip like thing becomes her elbow

f) Open toothy maw's tongue like area becomes the wrist of the girl and so the hand is built upon that.

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