leading from

(As previously presented on promotional website for Prometheus


From the clerks at our 14 Prospective Colony Permit offices to the metal workers building brand new terraform technology, our dedicated staff of employees and army of planetary engineers have made Weyland Industries the undisputed leader in the field of terraforming. Terraforming is the second largest sector of Weyland Industries, and continues to earn the greatest profit margin as our most consistently well-performing division.

The Weyland process of terraforming is uniquely successful. We explore each new planet discovered in the habitable zone of distant stars. Thousands of Weyland engineers and scientists are then dispatched to the newly discovered solar system. After setting up a temporary base, the planetary engineers spend months exhaustively testing the seismic stability, core layer densities and the soundness of the planet's ionosphere, noting weather patterns and pressure fluctuations.

If the conditions are favorable in most respects, Weyland employees claim a new territory in the name of the company, and only then begin constructing an Atmosphere Processor to initiate terraforming. The total process can take anywhere from 5 to 20 years depending on conditions.

Over the years, our few competitors have made attempts to install alternative versions of an atmospheric processing design only to return negative results, while Weyland colonies continue to grow and thrive throughout the galaxy. When it comes to building better worlds, from Luna to the Reticuli belt, Weyland Industries has by far the most reliable record and proven history of successful human colonization.





This proprietary system creates a localized environment in the lowest atmospheric strata by mining the surrounding air and delivering electrostatic charge to correct the chemical composition of the planetary atmosphere. The system does this by converting toxic compounds into a breathable air ratio of approximately 1:3.1 oxygen-to-nitrogen ratio, depending on a colony’s oxygen needs. Once stable equilibrium is achieved, the AP continually monitors environmental gas compositions and corrects imbalances. By-products can often be isolated and condensed for use as fuel sources, industrial cleaning supplies or raw materials for manufacturing.




The IM 80 (Igneous/Metamorphic) Rock Processor is designed to improve the quality of life on off-world colonies with adverse indigenous terrain. Through high-powered mechanical disturbance and the introduction of proprietary enzymes, the IM 80 transforms inhospitable terra into fertile soil for use in agriculture and bio-replication. It can be operated by a 4-person crew of Weyland planetary engineers or trained civilian contractors. A prototype is currently undergoing practical trials on KOI-854.01 outside the heavy ore mining colony of Luther City.




This remarkable device was introduced in 2058 for use by Weyland planetary engineers. However, recent advancements have made bio-replicator pods available to off-world civilians for home use. Each pod has a database of over 40 million seed varieties and plant DNAs. With the push of a button, it can replicate the requested sample. Growth rates are currently at about 55%, not factoring unsuitable planetary conditions for a given species. At 1 cubic foot in size, an array of thousands of bio-replicator pods can be outfitted to any seeder for industrial use. For household use, it is recommended to store bio-replicator pods outside the home.




Sold exclusively in conjunction with Weyland Atmosphere Processors, the Atmospheric Pressurizer can create a locally adapted micro-pressurized environment to prevent injury, illness or discomfort on off-world colonies with either marginal or oppressive stratospheric hold. On most planets, a standard atmospheric pressure of approximately 1.0 atmosphere at sea level can be achieved, reducing the need for decompression treatments and additional medical personnel in the early stages of terraforming.

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