HR Giger: Alien Monster IV references WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge Layer ?


Leading from
 WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge layer


a) WWII German Brückenleger IVb Bridge Layer 

My Source:




b) one above the other



c) Bridge section becomes the wings and other back appendages in the background



d) Caterpillar tracks become the rib cage



e) A support holding the front end of the upper bridge platform and the underside of the front of the platform becomes the creature's shoulder



f) Background trees become the head and neck



g) Front of bridge section that the vehicle is on and supports at the front of the bridge become the hand area

1 comment:

  1. "HR Giger: Alien Monster IV references WWII German Brückenleger IVb bridge Layer ?" was posted on 1st July 2024
