Leading from
a) Alien Queen Head by CT Thorne for Aliens
b) HR Giger's N.Y. City XXII (work472) (1981)
c) One above the other
d) Focusing in on the upper middle and right area which becomes the alien queen's head
e) The central shadowy area which becomes the alien queen's lower jaw
f) The central shadowy area which becomes the alien queen's lower jaw
g) This shadowy area with the vertical ribbed piping becomes the alien queen's lower jaw
h) Here the buttocks like formation becomes the throat area
i) This near horizontal curve with ribbing becoms the side of the alien queen's cres
j) Here the vaguely cuboid form becomes the hand
"Aliens: Alien Queen Head by CT Thorne for Aliens references HR Giger's N.Y. City XXII (work472) (1981)?" was posted on 4th June 2023