Alien Resurrection: Alien Warrior by Arthur Lee (painted by Daniel Brodzik?) references Master Francke's Resurrection of Christ (1424) ?

leading from

Alien warrior  possibly painted by Dan Brodzik based on a sketch byArthur Lee
Original black and white drawing of alien in the shaft with Art Lee's signature on the right

Resurrection of Christ (1424) by Master Francke

a)  It starts to echo away with the feeling of something recognisable. On July 28th 2017I suddenly think about the possibility of it one of the usual suspects in terms of compositions with a lot of perspective in it, and come to think about Master Francke's piece.

b) Left side comparisons


c) The hand.

d) The elbow


e) The shoulder. (However the piece of material that I've compared to the elbow could easily have become the shoulder as well.)

f) Right side comparison.

g) Space between Christ's elbow with lower arm and spear becomes the alien's elbow.

h) This area with the spear and other shapes becomes the Alien's arm and hand on the right.

i) In a general way, Jesus' shoulders and halo become the upper part of the tail, while tree becomes the end of the tail with the divide in two tailed flag becoming the pointed tip of the tail.


j) The head of the alien follows the slant of the tomb lid

1 comment:

  1. "Alien Resurrection: Alien Warrior by Arthur Lee (painted by Daniel Brodzik?) references Master Francke's Resurrection of Christ (1424) ?" posted on July 29th 2018.
