The Baphomet in Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie' (1856) by Eliphas Levi references La Resurrezione di Cristo (1475 - 1479) by Giovanni Bellini?

Leading from 

a)  Baphomet in Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie' (1856) by Eliphas Levi 

b) References La Resurrezione di Cristo (1475 - 1479) by Giovanni Bellini?




c)  The mountain becomes the right wing




d) Christ's cloth knot becomes the star while the cloth lifted by the air becomes the right horn, while the christ figure itself becomes Baphomet's face and torch upon its head


e) The rock formation becomes the blanket over the Baphomet's legs



f) The downwards slanting lit side of the rock becomes the half lowered arm on the right


g) The slope of the rockwith the sky behind becomes the half raised left lower arm

1 comment:

  1. "The Baphomet in Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie' (1856) by Eliphas Levi references La Resurrezione di Cristo (1475 - 1479) by Giovanni Bellini?" was posted on 22nd December 2021
