Alien: Early storyboard with Derelict Exterior by Ridley Scott for Alien references The Nativity (1270s) by Guido da Siena?

leading from

 a) Derelict exterior storyboard by Ridley Scott

The derelict ship is revealed

b) Having come to realise that Giger appeared to me to have referenced the The Nativity by Guido da Siena 1270s in his egg silo exterior for the breast like shape, (see Alien: Egg Silo (work 378) for Alien (1978) HR Giger references The Nativity by Guido da Siena (1270) I thought that Ridley must have been looking at the image as well when drawing his early derelict ship

The Nativity by Guido da Siena 1270s

 c) The virgin Mary lying across the picture becomes the under surface of the spacecraft module.

d) You could perhaps imagine that Mary's halo becomes the observation bubble but you could look at the position of the bull horns instead.


e) With that Mary's halo and outer edge of her cocoon like form becomes the bulge on the left of the derelict ship and her folded arms becomes the downward pointed shapes that look like two pairs of briefs, one above the other.

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