Alien Explorations

Jack Kirby

leading from 
(NB There's been a problem with communication between Blogspot and Googleimages so a number of images here will have disappeared for now but will eventually be restored)

Kirby - Giger - Ancient Astronauts theory Timeline 

Jack Kirby drew "The Great Stone Face" starting off the ancient astronaut theory for Black Cat Mystic comic

Jack Kirby drew "The Face on Mars" for "Race for the Moon" comic, that appears almost like a sequel to the oddity of his "The Great Stone Face"

Jack Kirby includes a Mayan looking statue of a seated giant in #5 of "Challengers of the Unknown", but found in at a ruin in Chandowa in India.

Jack Kirby began to draw Dragon Man for in #35 of the Fantastic Four comic book series.

 Kirby draws The Great Refuge where the Inhumans live in the Fantastic Four series,  in the story "Beware of the Hidden Land" Fantastic Four Vol 1 # 47. It's drawn in the general style that he would draw Olympia in The Eternals in 1977, but the layout is not the same.

Erich Von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods is published.

Jack Kirby starts Dream Machine which he would finish in 1975

Giger draws work 147
Jack Kirby draws the Deep Six's Leviathan for the October #5 "Spawn" of The New Gods

The Demon, Vol 1, no.3 is published featuring the Master Eye, an ancient idol 

April.  The Demon, Vol 2, no.8,  is published featuring the Jason Blood's artifact collection illustration.

Giger paints The Spell II references the Jason Blood's artifact collection from "The Demon" #8, April 1973

Giger paints Passage Temple references the Jason Blood's artifact collection from "The Demon" #8, April 1973

Giger paints Necronom I and III

The Viking 1 probe photographs the "Face On Mars"

The Eternals comic book series is released:
  • July, # 1 features the giant in space vehicle statue for The Eternals
  • August, # 2 features the giant Celestial's space ship
  • November, #5 features the scene where a humanoid's hand is turned into a gnarled wooden stump 
The Eternals comic book series continues: 
  • January, #7 features a Celestial travelling around on a hover sledge and a row of Celestials in The Eternals similar to Giger's wheelchair babies
  • March , #9 features the flying serpent above Olympia and the image appears to reference Giger's work 147 and perhaps shows a city similar in structure to part of the Occator Crater lights photographed on Ceres in 2015
  • July #13 features the Lemurian train bomb that references Giger's Necronom IX and work 147 and Dali's "Daddy Longlegs of the Evening - Hope!"
  • October, # 16 features the fire engine scene.
  • November, #17 features the fight with the character Dromedan in the story Sersi The Terrible.
Giger paints The Spell IV appearing to reference the illustration of the "Master Eye" idol from The Demon, Vol 1, no.3

From February until October Giger works on Alien, using Kirby's flying serpent drawing as reference for The Derelict, and perhaps Celestial giants seated in vehicles as reference such as the giant statue in #1 and also the celestial on the hover sledge in #7 for the alien pilot known as The Space Jockey in Alien

July, Devil Dinosaur #4 is featuring Jack Kirby's sky demon that references Giger's Passage Temple Entrance.

Later in the year Giger paints Alien Monster IV referencing The Lemurian Train Bomb and the humanoid with the hand turned into a gnarled wooden stump

Giger paints the giant Ugly spaceship inspired by the Celestials spaceship from #2 of The Eternals.

Giger starts the painting Anima Mia which he finishes in 1982, which references Kirby's Dream Machine.
Giger paints Biomechanic Mia (Egyptian Style) which references Kirby's Lemurian Train Bomb illustration

Giger starts painting biomechanic landscape I (work 583) which references the fire
engine picture from The Eternals

Preliminary model for Sakaar city from Thor: Ragnorak goes on display in Queensland, Australia.

Pages dealing with comparisons

1) See: Jack Kirby's comic book story "The Great Stone Face" (1957) predicts Von Daniken's Mayan Rocket Man?

2) See: The Face on Mars,  "Race for the moon" #2, 1958




10) Manhunter 'Stone of Vengeance" by Jack Kirby
10 a) See: Alien: Comparison to Manhunter 'Stone of Vengeance" by Jack Kirby
10 b)  See: Mystery of the Alien poster in relation to Jack Kirby's Manhunter "The Stone of Vengeance"


12) See: Double page spread The Eternals #1, July 1976 
12 a) See: References HR Giger's Necronom III?
12 b) See: References the tomb lid of Lord Pakal?
12 c) See: Alien: The Nostromo's garage borrows ideas from the Chamber of the Gods from Jack Kirby's The Eternals? 
Double page spread The Eternals #1, July 1976

13) See: HR Giger's Space Jockey references Celestial on hover sledge in The Eternals #7 ?

15) See: Illustration of the Celestial Arishem, leader of the fourth host from The Eternals vol 1 #2 (August 1976) by Jack Kirby  
15 a) See: References Passage Temple (Life) (work 261) (1974) by HR Giger
15 b) See: Referenced in Life cycle hieroglyphics (work 384) (1978) by HR Giger

16) See: Page from The Eternals vol1 #9 (Published Mar 1977) by Jack Kirby featuring Eson the Celestial 

16 a)  See: References "Young Virgin Spanking the Infant Jesus In Front of Three Witnesses" (1926) by Max Ernst?  

16 b) See: Referenced in Egg Silo Interior  for Alien (work 386) (1978) by HR Giger?

17) See: Jack Kirby's Dream Machine referenced in HR Giger's Anima Mia ?

18) See: Jack Kirby: Panel from Marvel Comic's The Eternals #8 (February 1977) showing the Deviant City

18. a) See: References The Betrothal of Two Classic Edifices (1943) by James Gleeson ?   

18. b) See: References Perseus: The Doom Fulfilled (1888) by Edward Burne-Jones. 

18. c) See: References the cover of Pink Panther And The Inspector #15? 

18. d) See: References a photo of the villainous Hood from Thunderbirds on the cover of TV21 # 80 from 1966?

19) See: "Flying serpent over Olympia" from The Eternals #9 by Jack Kirby 

19 a) See: Foreshadowed in The Great Refuge from The Fantastic Four 

19 b) See: References HR Giger's Felt Pen Drawing (work 147) ?   

19 c) See: Referenced for the later stages of HR Giger's derelict design ?  

19 d) See: Predicts the mysteries of Occator Crater Lights

20) See: Jack Kirby references HR Giger's Landscape XXIX (1974) (work 249) in The Eternals #7, January 1977 ?



21) See: Fire engine scene from The Eternals #16 referenced in HR Giger's Biomechanic Landscape I (work 583)?

22) See: Jack Kirby's Lemurian Train Bomb   

22 a) See: References Giger's Necronom IX (1976) and Dali's "Daddy Longlegs of the Evening - Hope!'" (1940)?

22 b) See: References Giger's Necronom IV?

22 c) See: References Felt Pen Drawing (work 147) by Giger?

22 d) See: References the Lemurian train bomb from Jack Kirby's The Eternals #16 , July 1977 ?





35) Visit Chris Knowles' blog for more exploration of Jack Kirby's work 
and listen to a radio interview with Knowles discussing Kirby's work at

(N.B. Just because I've shown an interest in Chris Knowles' work, it doesn't necessarily mean that he should be in agreement with my findings)


  1. Sunday 10th July 2016
    Updated the Jack Kirby index page adding numerous additions relating to Jack Kirby, Giger and Alien, including the story he drew about an alien Saucer Jockey recovered from a flying saucer, which is interesting in terms of the use of the term Jockey and we have a giant alien body. I've also included a drawing from The Demon series, the Master Eye, elements of which have crept into Giger's The Spell IV, which is possible because another drawing later in the series appeared to have inspired elements of Passage Temple and The Spell II, and so I've been focusing on the Giger/Kirby interactions and trying to establish a timeline on the page.

  2. Added pictures to the most of the links to show the Giger pictures which are being compared to the Kirby pictures etc. Will complete this shortly.

  3. Re-editing the page, making pages for the various illustrations by Kirby that have multiple connections to explore, and attempting to simplify the page again
